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Reviews for "LL - Birthday"

As if locks weren't old enough already :P

Buuut seriously though, very nice way of celebrating the Lock Legions second aniversary, congratulations on making it this far :)

lmao @ WaterLock

That's awesome. lmao Keep it up you guys! <3 Lock Legion forever!

I saved the day!

You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 3.4924 to 3.5000!

Nice movie as always, water.

Gregosan responds:


nice bonus scene

1 question: why does cloud keep saying the "f" word in the bonus scene?
plus it was funny how combat and darksquidge say it. also to water, if u were trying to make a chinese/japenese accent, it's not bad

Very nice

Very good gregosan, couldn't expect less from you. well length and has humour. I'm trying to follow in your footsteps ^_^