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Reviews for "FFVI: A New Hero 2"


I don't beileve there are stupid authors, just stupid movies. I have said this so many times it isn't funny; FF6 movies are unoriginal uselly just add on to the primiss of the original game. This one was no exeption. It was just another FF6 movie overusing Kefka's lame laugh. Add in some battles of other characters fighting each other. These kinds of movies getting a high score is basicly taking a piss on anyone who scored lower than it. Im not trying to be mean here, it's the truth, and I'm not going to lie to like your friends and say it's awesome and desearves awards.

Ever wonder why I stopped animating? I actually didn't, I still make sprite movies in fact I have made alot. I choose not to submit them because;
A. Originally making Sprite movies was just a hobby I did for fun and showed them to friends.
B. If I submited them it will look like all my stuff is the same and therefore making me look unoriginal doing the same thing over and over again. I want to learn how to script a game so atleast my sprite work can be diffrent.

Saying people who don't like sprites not to review is as bias as them leaving a bad review saying the hate sprites. Would you be complaining if all your reviews said "I love FF sprites!"? last time I checked that's a biased opinion. You should have just put "If you hate sprites be the first to watch this and vote 0, also leave bad review". Because it's inevitable they are going to watch/vote on it.
Just remember a real friend tells the truth...even though I'm not your friend, you get what I mean...

HAcoreRD responds:

That wasn't where i was aiming with the bias speech. read the 2 zero reviews where Cannibus_Clock zeroes me for no reason. What I'm trying to get across is (i know i'm guilty of it in the past) people abuse the NG vote system and are bias in reviews. Examples would be If you hate foamy you give all 0s, even though a 1 is minimum cause the movie at hand hand work put into it. We're not friends but I do listen to your words, and this isn't like 2 years ago where i was like "anyone who votes low is sprite hater" because i'm appealing to one crowd, i know this but if you love or hate sprites or love/hate me you just can't 0 a entry because of your feeling without judgng quality. Whew. there said it. ^^


What fun a bunch of stupid Final Fantasy sprites hucking swords at each other! You are always accusing people not to fuck FF7 story but yet you butcher the hell out of FF6 till it's stupid this has as much creativity as a wet towel, you turned some guy into GOGO, WHAT FUN!!! Anyway im kinda glad your to hooked on FFXI to do animations (means we won't have to see anymore copyrighted catastrophes from, you). Maybe one day you will achieve your life goal and get to lvl 75, KEEP SHOOTI'N FOR THE STARS MICHAEL!!!!

HAcoreRD responds:

Hey goldcrow, nice ALT account.

Go fuck yourself.

you'd make a great dictionary writer

spare me your essay and respond with "fuck off" or something.

HAcoreRD responds:

I'm not going to bother typing a whole new segment for you. Enjoy.

Graphics: you gave a 0, a dot deserves a one. There was animating.

Sound: you gave a zero and I know there's music/sound effects in there, as other reviewers pointed out.

Interactivity: you gave a zero. there's buttons for one thing.

Style: you gave a zero, is it because it's not based on anti-foamy?

violence: another 0, yet there were fight scenes.

Humor: Zero, this is probably accurate, this wasn't a comedy.

Overall: Zero. Yes, a zero. I bet you didn't load the movie cause your bias.

My message to you is to be fair and grow up. Just cause your a miserable person doesn't mean you have to drag others down. If you don't like words of wisdom then don't step out into the real world.