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Reviews for "Chavs"


Great work, i was wondering if i cud hav the file for my anti-chav site, but apart from that, that was great...u shud make more innit, JOKE, no really u shud make more though.. theres loads of slogans called clean up the town, kill a chav so u shud make a game where u clean up the town by killing chavs, well thats what im working on but i bet u cud make it much faster as i hav only just started flash..

Mozer responds:

Send an email to the site and I'll send you an swf copy if you so wish :)

lol !!!

lol, that was "well smart" i hate chavs and you picked them out almost perfectly, the gti, the burbery but you missed hanging outside mac' donalds


that is some funny shit right there i actually have a shirt that says "clean the streets kill a chav." lol this is so funny


A HA HA AH AH!!! what cider is the drink for them english nancies? oh you should spend a month in scotland the neds are on buckfast the cheap wine and cider is weak in its strongest form now the buckie that will get you eventualy....also helps if you down almost a full bottle in one go and the potential for ecceis (ecstasay) being in it and she was telling me that right in the middle of drinking it.....uh anyways it seems to be that you hut the nail or the head for chavs but the scottish neds ooohh you only covered a quarter of it. why do i have so many freinds who are neds? good work off to check your other submissions.


Probably the best interpritation of a chav i have ever heard! This Flash rocks so much. make more! MOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!