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Reviews for "The Holy Sabbath"


I didn't find it funny. But it was Ok... I guess.
Ill give you a 5/10

Well, you created one MESSED UP Christian here ;P

O.O I hope you didn't observe Christians doing that XD Nice job, even though I don't like picking on Christians ;\

But to the previous reviewer: Sabbath is Saturday. It was never linked to Sunday, not even for Christians. Keeping Sunday has to do with an old tradition of the sun-God, Saturday is Sabbath for both Christians and Jews. Just wanted to say that ^^

Meh, not accurate at all...

...The Sabbath is on Saturday, Sunday is the first day of the week.

Old Testiment teachings

I agree with the previous reviewer but I guess the Old Testiment is where a lot of misconceptions about christianity can be formed and put into comical situation.

The bible can be divided into 3 parts which is God the Father (Old Testiment), God the Son aka Jesus (The gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and God the Holy Spirit (all the books of the bible past Luke execpt Revelations). The reason why the Old Testiment is concidered God the Father is because it mostly deals with the Iserealites, which was God's choosen people and were like His children. Much like a good father, God tries to teach his children, but punishes them accordingly if they get out of line.

God the Son, or the Gospel is about Jesus, His purpose on earth, and His basic teaching which is love others as they WOULD/SHOULD have loved you. In other words don't seek revenge and always help others, even when they hate and hurt you.

God the Holy Spirit is about what moved people to go out and testify in God's name, even when their life was at stake because of it, to bring lost souls to Him through His Son Jesus' sacifice on the cross. One of the greatest of these people was Paul who wrote the bulk of the New Testiment. The books he writes are actually letters to different churches across the meterainian such as the church of Corinth (1st and 2nd Corithians), the church of Rome (Romans), and Thessolonians 1 and 2 just to name a few. He also writes 2 letters to his son, Timithy (1st and second Timithy), which are good books for those that are new christians or for those wanting an introduction to christianity.

The way the bible is suppost to be looked at is like this:

Old Testiment---------->Gospel of Jesus<---------Rest of the New Testiment besides revalations| Revalations

Jesus is the center point of the bible and is sandwiched in the middle. Revalations ties the whole bible together from Old Testiment to New Testiment by fulfilling all the covenants/promisses of God.

You probably already know that human sacrifices to God (thats with a capitol "G") are not tought in the bible. There were human sacrifices to pagan gods such as baal (in the book of judges I think).

I hope this helps others understand christianity a bit better and if your interested, go pick up a KJV Scofield study bible and read all the foot notes for a MUCH better understanding. Theres more then meets the eye when it comes to the bible and so you MUST study it to get the full meaning before going off on a whim of a misconception.


It's funny....I guess. I realize that some people find humor at the expense of religous fanatics funny, but at the same time, it's not so. The only part I thought was worth mentioning was the "Don't make me smite you." part. That was mad funny. Other than that, don't you think that someone who was that reverent to God would be against...ya know...slaughtering his fellow man? I realize its a satire, but you could have picked something a little more funny.
Anyways. The REAL reason I wrote this review (I usually reserve reviews for submissions worth my time) is the kid before me. Sunday IS the seventh day of the week (at least for most christian groups [Saturday is the 7th for Seventh Day Adventists]). The reason YOU'RE confused is because the calendar has Sunday first on the list. As far as what day is officially the last day of the week, no one can really say with authority. What if I believed that Wednesday was the seventh day? You couldn't PROVE me wrong, it's never been officially declared.
P.S. I'm not christian, so don't accuse me of being a bible thumper. I don't even believe in God per se. I'm Augnostic ^ ^