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Reviews for "Simple and Clean Collab"


It was a pressure to watch that, a nice movie to add to newgrounds i think. Keep up the good work guys.

Incredibal movie based off an incredibal game!

Awsome animation and awsome idea! I hope this gets an award! I thought this was an extreamlly good collab. I think you should continue to do collabs!

this may be odd coming from a guy like me.........

I LOVE U ALL! (not really, :D) i always liked that song, i myself own KH, my first ps2 game of my own...i don't have the soundtrack though.....the starwars thing was odd, i liked how who ever it was (i forgot who) had RedXIII, my fasve FF7 char, FF7 was my first RPG i played, and one of the 10 first games i ever played period, i u can guess i love FF7, i also love KH, can't wait for the second, I HATE HOW THE DATE KEEPS GETTING PUSHED BACK! anywho, i loved em all, except the starwars own, this rocked, fave list, (dang, that makes 41 fave animations i have...good god....),i also love FFX, i own FFX, FFX-2, and FF7, so great job on this, every collab i watch...i always wish i was in it...too bad no one at my school knows bout flash yet.... (i'm gonig into 6th...with my luck, i'll be the one showing other ppl in my grade how to use flash, LMAO! plus, i'd be gonig into 7th this year, if i hadn't failed the kindergarden test the first year i took it.....i was too shy.......) good god i wish i'd leard how to use flash already, my bro has it, but he lives with my grandma, and her comp is AOL 9.0, no broadband, so i can't load any tutorials.....kinda sucks....it took a half an hour and the tutorial i was loaded to use STILL DIDN'T LOAD! o well, congrats to all, u guys should a collab on Aeris's song, or maybe the part in FF7 where :SPOILER ALERT!: Sephiroth kills her :SPOILER ALERT!: good job guys, now i sdhall stop blabbering...

it rocks

i completed kingdom hearts earlier and saw this movie it is the best i have seen so far

I love this video

I could draw waaaaaay better than any of these guys but I don't know to do a flash. Now I'm not saying they r bad I'm just saying I could od better, But great video nonetheless.