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Reviews for "Patience"


that was kinda cyco man, i mean it was good,alot of my friends (and i sometimes) feel that way about life. overall good animation, soundtrack, and art.


that was amazing. i can see how this is a sub-4 submission, but to those select few who understand it, it is simply amazing to see one's bottled up feelings expressed in motion.

great job. you're going on my favorite artists list.

Cry for help at table one

well, I liked the sound track but just take a minuteand take a deep breath before you start your next flash. Now I want you to think..."gee, what are people going to think about this?...Can they understand me?..Does my quote make sense, or is it something deeply personal that others can not hope to grasp?...especially when it is poorly worded (no question mark).
Now I know your thinking "what an ass" right about now, but just hear me out. If you want to reach people, you need more content. I know it is tough, but you have to spell it out, beat it to death, kill it, bury it, dig it up, and then burn it (it being the message). It could have been good and you have skill, just try not to do two things:
1) make a complex feeling to simple
2) make us think your the next person to go on a shooting rampage

Either way. good hustle.
Peace out and show me more

A "message"... in broken english

Graphics: Not bad, there isn't a lot of movement, but what is there looks good. The drawings were colorful but simple, and worked well.

Style: Artistic? No. It's the same setup every scene, with the kid sitting down and someone talking to him. Side view, boring.

Sound: Sappy music and weird garble that the people speak, which detracts from the supposed seriousness of the movie.

Violence: Blood and dead bodies, but nothing all that graphic.

Interactivity: Play/replay buttons.

Humor: The weird babbles are amusing at first.

Overall: Of all the serious movies with messages that I've seen, this is the most useless. And maybe the most stupid. The quote at the end was just sort of, "Huh?" and made little sense, the only explanation for this is poor translation, or maybe it was just dumb to begin with. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. It's also unclear as to why the main character is angry at the end, it never looked like anyone was making fun of him or trying to piss him off. I kind of wish they were, then something interesting or worthwhile might have happened.


i dont know what to make of this... it does have a meaning but i cant seem to grasp it.
ill watch it again and see what happens.
but it still is better than what i can do and it is very artistic in a sense so, good job.