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Reviews for "Baghdad Basketball"

Republicans suck

That wasn't overly funny.
The humour was well thought out, but I didn't laugh.
The suicide bomber was almostfunny


funny but a little bit to much racism and to saphrix the world would be a better place without racist bastards like u should just go to hell

could be better

instead of getting my boxers all in a knot like a lot of other reviewers have, I'll just say this

i think it would've been better/funnier/more politically accurate had the iraqis actually fronted a team, and then bring in a suicide- bomber subsitution later


i didnt make American humor? July 19, 2005

Reviewed by: easy-to-love Overall Score: 2

I dont see what's funny about suicide bombers.
People in irak get killed everyday, even little children who doesnt even know what's going on around them. you should be asamed for laughing at this low life flash animation.

stop being a pussy! boo hoo its just some funny animation!!

i really didnt laugh but still it was okay


well i originally saw this on albinoblacksheep and from that point i new it would appear on newgrounds, and as follows comes the opinions of the viewers here becuase all things political and realating to current crisis ussually spark such avid viewpoints. First of all, I erge you all to refrain from reviewing this flash from a point of view that would be from bias. REVIEW THIS FLASH BASED ON HOW IT IS be honest but dont give it a 0 and back it up with reasons like, "ppl are dying out there, this is not funny, go to hell" act mature, your going to have to eventually in life might as well start with newgrounds.