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Reviews for "Breathtaker"

That was awesome

It was so emo... lol, that has to be one of the few movies on here that kinda touched me. I loved it, and the style fit it so well.

You are one emo bastard! Good job!


there's nothing more to say except that this is one awesome looking movie. i cant wait to see the rest ^_^

this flash is crunk fo shizzle

You know what I like it. I don't realy get how a symbol he drew gave him powers¿!?, but he has a cool power nun the less. Can't wait for the next ep. I also enjoyed the music at the end I completely forgot "trip like I do" even exsited. Thanx for reminding me. Oh yeah nice vocab by the way.

Nice Job! This Flash will go places!

I liked the voice-overs a lot. The graphics were great too. The whole story will get better I know. On a different note... How is breath taking useful? Example:

Person: "Oh no! I'm trapped in a burning building!"
Breathtaker: "I'll save you!" *holds out arm*
*Person falls over dead*

See? Breathtaking isn't all that helpful... unless your character is evil. That's the one way it could go. Oh well. Good job with the animation and the VO's.


EMO! I would blam it, but you get a five for two reasons:

The art is good, so is the direction.

Good sound design.

Good style and shit, but I dont like the whole emo bs. Still got however:
Thanks for voting, Harsh133!
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You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 3.6172 to 3.6500!
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