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Reviews for "War On Spam"


this was a pretty good game to be made in two days,even though the spam thing wasnt really that humurous

So... so... so... boring.

Graphics: Simple and sharp drawings that looked pretty good, and what little animation there was looked nice. Uh... it was colorful, too.

Style: Simple and straight-forward. The menus were easy to navigate and the gameplay was easy to grasp.

Sound: A loop of the same bit of annoying music over and over for eternity, and 'whacking' sounds for the characters when they get hit. All the sounds were crisp and clear with no echo or hiss.

Violence: Characters get hit. Nothing bad.

Interactivity: There isn't much to say here, you try to press a button before your opponent does, and if you do, you are awarded a point. There's nothing to really do, though.

Humor: It was amusing to see the guy get hit with the disk the first time, but after the 20th time it lost it's appeal.

Overall: This is simply one of the most boring games I've ever played. It's not even fun two players, let alone playing against the computer, which is insanely easy. Even with games I really don't like, I try to play to the end, but I don't even care to find out if this even HAS an end. All I know is that there are two strategies here, press the spacebar when the guys says "Go!" over and over, or close the window and play any other multitue of games on Newgrounds that DON'T suck.

not very impressive

Y do u submit sumthing that obviousy is crap and isnt very fun at all? i mean it could do with alot more stuff added to it, such as upgrades different characters and stuff, i know u only made it in 2 days but come back and submit it wen u hav sumthing good.

Gay as hell!!!!

all that game accomplished was wasting my time and it should not have made it 2 the front page it was boring plus easy.blam this peice of shit,

Too small

I understand this was a quick game for a comp entry. Still, It had no substance to it, I played it for afew rounds then quit. All you could do was wait for a voice then hit a key and the round was over. The layout was fairly sound, you could choose difficulty and read instructions, but the actual game doesn't cut it.