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Reviews for "Skittles N' Bitz"

Good style but...

Yoube ever seen the series robot chicken?well i guess you have because that is were you stole youre idea from.anyway making it with video games makes it cool and we can all make tributes but at least put it in the credits.and by the way superman is "the man of steel" he cant be shreded into pieces

Funny, but...

Okay, that jigglypiuff scene creeped me out.

dude...... awsome

i love all your flash movies majin, i like all of the skittles n bitz, ive watched every single one ^.^

oh, and guy before me, that monkey was a character from a classic video game...... i think it was castlevania or something like that.

Randomness is great!

This is very good. I loved the animation and the jokes, even though I didn't get some of them. (I don't know if the one the red koopa tells counts.) I'm going to point out different details I found amusing.

1.)It was only a matter of time until Superman ran into a propellor. The king in the background had nothing to do with the main idea, but was a nice add in.

2.)That was one creepy Jigglypuff. I with the trainer on this one: just back away slowly.

3.)One word can sum up the green koopa: clueless. Red koopa's joke's kind of lame, if it is a joke.

4.)In all my years as a net surfer, I've never seen Wario do the Chicken Dance. He doesn't seem like the type to do that. However, I get the feeling I've seen that chicken somewhere before...

5.)Clever. Very clever. Put yourself in your own Flash movie. This joke makes sense and is a real hoot. By the way, MajinPiccolo, if you drew this yourself, you do not suck at drawing.

6.)Dude, what's with the professor scaring away the Tazmanian Devil, and then what seems like a possessed monkey tears the prof.'s head off. That's just weird. Funny, but weird.

7.)The Cave of Wonders n' Treasures n' Stuff, huh? Fascinating. And just to let you know: gems and jewels are the same freakin' thing.

One final note before I go: I think I've seen the static transition thing somewhere else. I don't know. It works, though. Good job.


It actually hurts a little bit, watching this.

This was the beginning of Skittlez and bits, a series made by Majin Piccolo.

There are only a few funny things throughout the entire series, and that's the stuff that was ripped off of something. (example, at one point the scene in family guy where a woodpecker was on someone's head? yeah, he did it here)

This series is thw wrong kind of random, like Arfenhouse 1. But with them, they learned, and made the rest of the series random, but FUNNY. This series makes no improvement. There has to be a fart joke in about half of these skits, and that isn't even funny at all. "I definitely don't suck at farting". You keep thinking that, you didn't even have one that sounded good, and you put no effort into anything done in this series.

What you need to do to improve this? Take the scripts you make, and bring them to a lot of people around where you live before you make the flash. Ask them what's funny and what isn't. If you notice something is getting a lot of "oh, this is fucking STUPID", then leave it out.

I seriously hope that you put a bit more effort into your jokes in the future.