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Reviews for "July the Seventh"

it's bullshit

All of the movies where we go "oh no, poor western people" is bullshit. Why? Because shit like this, bombings and what not, happens DAILY in other parts of the world. So shut the fuck up, it's not worse just 'cause it happened in London, than if it happened in Iraq or someplace else. When will you make a flash for the people getting slaughtered every single day in Africa by the way?

Big-foot-productions responds:

in Iraq it's not my fault, ut then again nor is England. I have donated all my pocket money (Yes im only 13) to charities that help Africa


9 Effing hours? Are you kidding me? Maybe if you wrote the lyrics to / composed the song AND made the quotes yourself, but the flash movie? OMG. You faded some shit in and out, and made a slide show. You're using Macromedia Flash, not Corel Presentations. You just want to get fame from the 'My Tear For London Movie'. And Stop Terrosism? How the shit do you suggest we do that big guy? How about instead of putting in redundant statements you include possible suggestions?

I still can't wrap my head around the 9 hours part, what a joke.

Good choice in music though, can't go wrong with Coldplay!


Big-foot-productions responds:

Hey, did you even read the description? the first words r sumthing along the lines of: "Before I start I wanna clear this up, I didn't steal a tear for london. I started work on it before a tear for london was submitted" Yer 9 hours, because im only 13 and I like getting stuff right and putting across my view in the correct way, Not doing a shitty 2 hour thing that looks shite! I don't know how to stop terrorism, I wish I did, but that's never gonna happen

use your time more wisely.

hooray another "pro invasion iraq -flash"...that just makes my day no doesn´t it?
if you spend a day on this you suck at doing flash movies...it´s just a slideshow with pics from the net a few quotes with music...that´s all...i did not move me at all...i feel sorry for the people who died in london...but i feel just as much for the people that die every freakin day in iraq...nobody ever made a flash for them...i think i will have to make one...ever thought about why terrorists use such horrible means to get your attention? maybe because just 2 days ago the american army blew up a whole village (a village!!!) and everybody died...has anyone of you seen this on the news?nope...because an iraqi life is less worth than a western one.
guess what? i don't feel threatened by terrorism at all...why?because my country did not invade theirs and kills hundreds of people every day...or did you see any attacks on germany?neither did i...
so do me a favor...use your time more wisely...for something else...

Dumb sick ignorant fuck

watch my tear for Uganda and read the Review I wrote for it you hopeless bastard

i agree with bloodstain13

You worked 9 hours on this? And what the hell were those sayings at the end......"then we are beyond hope" etc......grow up man - what happened yesterday was fucking terrible and i truly hate the fuckers who executed and planned it - but this shit happens almost every day in countries like Israel and Palestinia....other atrocities constantly being commited in Africa etc......this is the way humans have ALWAYS been.....barbaric and violent......so what..do you have any idea how many innocent people die in Iraq - thousands........ this flash sucks.

Big-foot-productions responds:

Hey, I seriously am against the war in Iraq myself and think Africa needs help aswell