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Reviews for "Daily2oon07022005"

To be honest, I didnt like this.

I really dont even understand how this won Review Crew Pick. I mean, I understand that you guys DONT mass vote/review/anything. But, just the fact that you have so many followers who would vote 10 to help you get an award is in a word... unhonorable.
You're basically putting quality flash animations that really do deserve to get a that award down a bit, just because you have some people who are for your cause. I mean, you could have submitted something extremely horrible that would have given you the title of crappiest flash ever on ng, and I bet you still would have gotton review crew pick.
Its not like my words are going to matter, for I doubt they will actually affect your minds or anything, but seriously. You and I both know that this flash was not worthy to get Review Crew Pick compared to other flashes.

Meh, mark this review Unhelpful if you want, I really dont care, as long as I got my point across.

Talk about undeserving

Its submissions like this that make me wish I could actually score in the negatives... these things werent funny.. and the audio was even clipping... why is it so impossible for people to get working microphones?

Nothing Here but crap

This toon has nothing note worthy. Nothing special or that sets it apart from the other flash other than it is sheer stupidity and crap. A complete waste of time.


No, Bad stupid person, That sucked ass and it had rap... What could be worse... Nothing thats what I thought.

I do not know why this passed.

Yeah, the second song was interesting, but the animation quality... terrible. Absolutely.