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Reviews for "Taishi Ep 1: Enter Lotus"


Probobly the best ive seen on newgrounds in a long time

a masterpiece

wonderful work on this submission. i couldnt believe how well the story flowed. the voice acting was just about pefect too. all in all...this is simply one of the best. please continue to make more. i will be looking forward to this series.


Amazing.. utterly amazing.

I thought originally that you had someone else do the voice of Korus of the Lotus. But when I saw that you were the one who did ALL the voices, it... floored me. The whole thing appeals to my asian side, and everything else appeals to my eyes. I swear if my eyes had penises they'd be fapping heavily right now. Cripes.. this is AWESOME!


This was absolutely amazing man. Its awesome to see a redone version of an already impressive series. You built on everything and made this one the best put-together flash ive ever seen and probably the best redone. I was definitely not expecting such a well done new version of Taishi, so it was a very pleasant surprise. In my review since this was so great, i will explain each aspect in detail.

The graphics, to start, were amazing and brilliant. The drawings were awesome, and i really like how you draw your people. The detail was great as well. All the colours looked awesome and they really created an atmosphere that made the movie more enjoyable. The backrounds were awesome, whether you drew them or use photoshop they were awesome. They really looked like you put a lot of effort into each one. The facial expressions on the characters were even very noticable, i havnt seen many artists do that well or even at all. The special effects are the things that really impressed me. They were simply magnificent and stunning and thats why i ended up giving you a 10 for graphics.

Your style was impressive in this movie. You had so many different components that make up a great style. Your animating style was awesome and as i sadi i love your use of special effects. The feel was great too, all the effects and sounds created a really atmoshperic mood. The story was awesome, really well though out. I really like how you based it on an exsisting martial artist of some sort. Everything about this was original and creative. The way you presented it was professional, with an intro before then the credits then the actual movie.

The sound is the last thing that i will write about. It fit everything else and it was fantastic, as everything else was. Everyway you used sound was very effective and it accomplished something. The music was awesome, really sounded like what it was supposed to, and by that i mean it seemed to fit the setting and what you think would me the music in a setting. It helped create the mood and feel extremely well. The sound effects were great, and again veery effectively used. The voice acting was very impressive, i cant believe you did every voice, even the woman's. They all had great characterization and expression.

Overall this was amazing and one of the best flash i have ever seen. Its a really good thing you redid this. It wasnt a waste of time either as it turned out very successful. Please try to make the next episode even better and leave a response if you can. 5/5

DaDocta responds:

Well Thank you very much, I appreciate that you saw how much work I put into this.. it was a long time coming.. I wanted to add in some of the storyboards I did for the toon but the file size got way to big. Music was quite difficult because I wrote a first set and didn't like it and redid the music as well.. Now I got a much better feel.
Again thanks for watching.

Finally! All the waiting has been worth while! :D

Yay!!! My favorite series has finally reached NG! =3 I waited quite a while to see this! The plot is pure and new, the graphics are phenominal! Reading other reviews, I can see that everyone is a critic, doesn't mean they have a meaningful perspective, but I KNOW that this is quite the movie I have seen in my life time. This is truly an inspiration to flash movies world wide. I one day will follow in the footsteps of the creator! Long live Taishi!!!
P.S. Taishi rocks all! Niotches!