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Reviews for "-Prodigious Amalgamation-"


These colab things were brought about in good faith..gaining popularity from Mr.Luis's little contests among animators for short musically-synched segments..but now they are gettin real boring. Apart from ZL's entry, everything else was the overplayed "frame by frame line/stickman evolving thing" which while it may be fun to make..is not that interesting to watch. Maybe im out of line..but im just lookin for a combo that maybe tells a story, makes a point, or something...it doesnt need to be a music video....maybe ppl could contribute individual layers for one big project instead of these disjointed segments...its time to push things forward. ;)

Far too mixed to be good

The sections of some artists were brilliant, others weren't so. Some were creative, some weren't so. Some had good music, others didn't. I can only give you an average score for this reason. Alot of the animations were FAR too repedative and random, you have all shown you skills as animator, now go and put it to good by writting a story for yourselves. More often these collabs are turning into reasons to show off pointless, yet lovely, animation. I'd much prefer to see you individual skills in actually telling a story of some kind. The clint Mansell section was by far the stand out for me, yours alone would give you a five.


got to be agreed with, zombie's influence in that movie saved it. well done.


well...for what it was, it was
a midly entertaining, incoherent
amalgamation of the sort. its
purpose to show a display of
random fbf animation, mostly
consisting of wiggly lines, basic
shapes, and lots of explosions.
though i find this all to be rather
derivative and lackluster. the
only ones that really stood out to
my attention was that of ZombieLincolns.
which actually broke the mold and did
something different and unique. otherwise,
the rest were kinda unispiring.
score: **

It was alright...

What the hell is up with the random squiggle lines? did you have a seizure while creating this?

the only part that made sence was the second one with the crayons.

music was good though... but either way...

giving this a Nothing Too New Or Interesting