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Reviews for "S.A.M.V. 5"


i likd it lots cept he shuld've gotn the job tooo juno?
btw good job

BaconMask responds:

Thank you sir!

And, as for Alex not getting hired... there is a reason... Stay tuned my friend!


That was amazing!!!! i want to see the second one now but i no ill have to wait. oh well great work and plz dont give up on the second one!!!!

BaconMask responds:

No worries friend! I have already begun work on part 2 of 3... Thanks for the review!!

Excellent movie.

This movie is superb. The graphics are awesome and the audio also. I like your style also and how you add it to this movie. Your drawings are very good, but the best is the characters. They are clever and witty.
Keep up the good work.

BaconMask responds:

The story/writing is the most important aspect of flash to me. Good art with bad story usually means death, but the other way around it can definately work. Thanks!


Focking awsome you need to make more.

BaconMask responds:

I shall, thank you!

This is fast becoming my favorite series on NG

I wasn't even around NG when these first came out, but I've seen some flashes from that era and you were ahead of your time. This flash starts off with a highly entertaining preloader, followed by an amazing quote. I loved the intro, I love now each of the characters are so different and how you managed to get into each of their heads. When I do short stories for English, the characters never differ as much as yours do. You really get into their heads. The graphics are amazing and there is a lot of detail that goes onto it. The script is flawless and flowing and amazing. I loved it. I loved Melvin, he was such a beautiful nerd 'I long for your virtual caress' has become my favorite quote. The script was seriously amazing. It was amazing, it's almost made for TV, it has the setting of a great TV show, it's amazing, it can go so many places. My overuse of the word amazing probably isn't doing anything for ya. I loved the priest, I loved Randy. I loved your facial expressions, your facial expressions are great. They work so wonderfully and they are so natural, it looks so natural. This flash truly kept me entertained throughout the whole thing, it wasn't one of those flashes that play in the background while I chat on MSN, this had my full attention and it was beautiful. It was hilarious and I loved it for than I love chocolate.

BaconMask responds:

You get 2 responses for being awesome!

No no, awesome works just fine! This series has always been about the script and dialouge... if you don't believe me, just look at the crappy artwork in part 1! =P I am really glad that you enjoyed the diferences in the charecters as well. In one way or another, they're all me, so it's easy for me to pick what they're going to say or do. Does that indicate some level of internal conflict? Well, maybe. Thanks for such an amazing response. And I know your love for chocolate. It still edges out cartooning for me =P

Style and depth develop as you grow into your writing-- this from one with two degrees in english. Through the fatigue and work I found my own writing style making growth spurts, changing dramatically and suddenly. most often painfully. I co-wrote the last few scenes with Dixinator while under going my master's thesis-- our shared sense of humor kept me sane through most of the work. And from it I tried to put my frustrations with technology, work, love, and of course, online gaming into Melvin. Similarly, Jason's finishing touches to the jokes, development and vision kept us working forward. We were unsure for the longest time, but we found our way to what we felt was the best story. We wanted to make this something ground breaking and fans like you truly let us know that. Thank you from the depths of my dark black soul.