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Reviews for "Introducing RupeeClock"

Haha, nice.

Nice animation, I also liked how you timed "B" with the music, just a few questions.

What is the font you used for the subtitles


What is the music called and who is it by


RupeeClock responds:

The font I used is ahnberghand, google it. :)

As for music, you people need to learn how to read credits. Although I didn't say what it was. :P

It's the Apple Switch Theme or something, from those Apple adverts, I dunno, go ask AurbergineLock if you can have it.

Rupee clock is cool!

Really good! I also like the LOZ games (Slashing Coccos is fun, until they attack you). The easter egg was funny, but who was the guy in the bus to the left?

You made me want to join the clock crew!

Well, really good job, I hope to see more of Rupee clock. Are you posting that one that also features Tails, Strongbad and MegaMan?

I would also know if you are making "Tails and his GBA 3"

RupeeClock responds:

That's Wade Fulp, fellow administrator of Newgrounds to the left.

I'm not sure about making Tails and his GBA 3 right now, maybe I'll do it someday If I feel like it, as for submitting that flash with Tails, SB, Megaman and Rupee? You mean this thing?


I lilkely won't be submitting that, not on it's own anyway.

Nice introduction

Hey good work but you should know am waiting for the day Rupee Clock meets Strawberry clock ...wait no am waiting for the day he meets Pube Muppit !!

RupeeClock responds:

Fuck no, Pube Muppit's on the bottom of my list. But me meeting SBC will probably happen on Clockday.


funny! nothing more to be said. just a little too short.

RupeeClock responds:

Well of course, it was only a days work, meant to be an introduction as long as the song. ;)

teh awsome!

you are my second favourite clock! (strawberry's number one) this movie is a very good, infact the best introduction i've ever seen. and the secret thing was hilarius, i still can't watch it without laughing.

also, what do the settings need to be to make rupeeclocks voice on speakonia? thanks.

RupeeClock responds:

Goto the Clockcrew website and find my FLA in the library, you'll find everything you'll need.