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Reviews for "Tears for Every Moment"


wise words man. that animation really touched me. and then i formed a lawsuit against it. anyways ur animation just lik u said didnt make sence in a few parts but its was still good. i really like sas stuff so this was really cool in my point of view. hope to see more from u.

Decent, melodramatic

Well, this was nicely put together.
I would have liked more substance to it to try and validate the overly used themes, but at the same time, doing so poorly would have been worse than not at all, so it might have been for the better.

Your animation was decent, although there wasn't much of it in the flash to judge by, really. Your directorial sense, however is quite good, and is perhaps the strongest portion of this work. Your choice of music, the way you laid out your scenes, (Particularly, the tears from the building shown super-close than medium-far, and the juxtiposition of the grave to the people on the grass.) and the contrast in colours you used, all quite good. I don't agree with the lack of colouring in your characters, but that's mostly personal bias. I would have at least liked shading.

A Key weakness: While you do have drawing skills -- something to be boasted above many of the people who submit things to newgrounds -- your style is very undeveloped. A very generic anime style, which in its vast popularity means we are being constantly overrun with it. If you read a lot of Manga or watch a lot of Anime, you can see how varied the style do become, via proportion and line use amongst other things. I would suggest you consider this and practice on specificically defining YOUR style. Origonal artwork is much more memorable than the highest quality imitation.

Also, minor pet peeve, I really dislike the 'scribbled' grass we see from the overhead shots on the pair lying on the grass. Try maybe getting Flash to turn a bitmap in to vectors, it has that functionality. Set the settings vauge enough and you'll achieve the same look without it looking so sloppy. (It really stuck out to me in contrast the the cleanliness of the rest of the work)

All in all, it was a pleasant submission to watch. Your notable directorial talent combined with definiate potential in artistic skills makes for a good basis for your work. I have no doubt you'll create some very compelling works in the future.

Good luck with those endevors!

It had style, but it was sorta pointless...

Well I couldn't here the music 'cause my speakers are wierd, so I don't know about that, but the rest was just dumb! There was like no point to that flash!! You said this deep thing, but... Then What?!?
You should have just drawn a picture with a caption.


...I don't see why people love this so much. The graphics are really bad. There is no excuse for this. Even if you suck at drawing/don't have a tablet, you can still try very hard to make them atleast LOOK like you put effort into them.

...Also, you didn't stream OR stop the music at the end. This is a short flash with some thought to it, but it is still crap. Also, PLEASE get better at FLASH. There are soo many things wrong with it....As an animator myself, I can see how you made it and what could be better.

I really think Newgrounds is turning into a big pile of overrated crap.

KuyaSeth responds:

Not everyone is at the same calibur that you are, you know this right? If people could start anything and produce amazing results, we wouldnt need schools or training for anything. But we can't do that. People use experience to learn from mistakes, rather than getting it right the first time. there's a saying out there, somewhere that says "who's greater, the person who makes no mistakes or the person who makes mistakes but learns from them?" You may be a better flash artist than me, but you also have loads more experience under your belt, as opposed to me, who did this movie with nothing but a haphazard idea. so before you flame me for being bad at this, look at yourself and how your comparing me to you. (b^_')b