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Reviews for "Red, White, & Blue"

I was a fan of Red & Blue.

This is semi-inferior, but I'll give it a shot.

The graphics were - well, they were good for red, white, & blue being the colours allowed. The graphics weren't that important anyway.

The styles were relatively interesting - the idea that drove them was quite amusing.

The music in general - all of it - started getting boring after a while. It was better than some, though.

The violence in some games was good - especially the lack of blood and guts!

It's stupid to give this anything in Interactivity BUT a 10. I mean, they're GAMES? Hello?

SMASH! was enough to get this 10 in humour - just what happened when the characters dropped out was funny enough, partnered with the other ideas.

Coming from the creator of 'Magnetism', I expected a little better of Fireworks. It's an old game - and it wasn't a very good adaption of it either. It was too simplistic, and having halves and fourths - instead of taking one house off at a time - was really odd.

It was better than nothing, though the colour scheme could have been used better.

Zantsu Must Die was probably the best of the four games in this collection. It was an interesting fighter game - although a little tedious. Near the end, I couldn't attack anymore? I was pressing A, S, and D, but nothing was happening. Is there a certain limit to your attack power? That error (?) caused me to die there. It was quite fun, nothing to complain about - except that there could have been a difficulty setting like in The Institute from Red and Black. They seemed to be relatively similiar games, actually, though Zantsu Must Die was somewhat better. But it needed a plot.

SMASH! was highly amusing, though the trivia seemed to be aimed for adults. The humour and cheat code (though a sort of odd one) was a nice touch to the game. And how come the first two people didn't die? =( It seems unfair. Either the second best in this collection or the third, I'm undecided on;

Life of a Fireman was difficult, but it has (or so I belive) the most replay value of any of them - the ranking making you want to keep trying for the highest amount of stars. The first mission may have been - oh - too hard? Your water got used up too quickly, and refilling took time. The second and third were just fine, though.

That's pretty much it. 4/5, good luck on the Underdog, but I think the vote-score is too high for it to happen, unfortunatly.

Glaiel-Gamer responds:

I actually made that game MUCH before Magnetism, and in Much less time. Don't worry, my next game will rock the sox.


did anyone else think of devil may cry while playing zantsu must die

This is a goood game but tooo repetitive

I love this, this is bad.... more variety though !¬!!

Good collection

Well I might as well review all of these games individually...


Firstly the negatives. The music in this game was more annoying than anything else, with loud cheesy alost porn like music not matching the style of game at all and being quite distracting. Also the title screen looks absolutelhy horrible, which is a shame as the rest of the game looks pretty good, if simplistic. The gameplay was pretty good, and the explosions actually looked really nice. Perhaps if the houses were all seperate targets though, instead of essentially being a lifebar that goes down if they touch the ground. It would make the game more interesting as later on it gets quit ennoying to be losing health for the bad guys who land on the far end of the screen where there are no houses. Awesome work though!

Zantsu Must Die!

At first when I was playing this, I thought it was going to be some kind of side scrolling beat em up in the style of Streets of Rage. I was slightly dissapointed when I found out it was all pretty much set in the one small alleyway. Still the gameplay here is decent enough, with more a passing resemblance to Devil May Cry, from the characters basic look to the style meter for stringing comboc together. More variety of enemies would be good, instead of just LOADS of the same couple of types. Still this is a game, much like Fireworks and indeed a lot of old school type games, where you play until you die. Good job!

Smash! : RWB

Well this game doesn't look great, the limitations of the Red White and Blue format really restric the visuals. But gameplay here is fantastic, with humour and general knowledge being very good. The picture round actually embraces the format quite well, with seemingly normal pictures made much harder to recognise because of the RWB format. Brilliant quiz!

Life of a Fireman

This is probably the weakest game of the bunch, but is still quite enjoyable. The first level is mercilessly hard, with fires breaking out almost constantly and your water levels depleting far too quickly. The second level is just a race against time, with some ok collision detection with the houses. The thrid level seemed to go on for far too long, with more and more people falling as it goes on. The people were obviously randoly falling as there was a couple of occasions where it was impossible to save someone as 2 people fell at the same tie on opposite ends of the screen. Frustrating!

Overall, this is a strong collection of games, that all embraced the theme of the entry in their own ways. Nice work!

Good colletction

Well I might as well review all of these games individually...
Firstly the negatives. The music in this game was more annoying than anything else, with loud cheesy alost porn like music not matching the style of game at all and being quite distracting. Also the title screen looks absolutelhy horrible, which is a shame as the rest of the game looks pretty good, if simplistic. The gameplay was pretty good, and the explosions actually looked really nice. Perhaps if the houses were all seperate targets though, instead of essentially being a lifebar that goes down if they touch the ground. It would make the game more interesting as later on it gets quit ennoying to be losing health for the bad guys who land on the far end of the screen where there are no houses. Awesome work though!
Zantsu Must Die!
At first when I was playing this, I thought it was going to be some kind of side scrolling beat em up in the style of Streets of Rage. I was slightly dissapointed when I found out it was all pretty much set in the one small alleyway. Still the gameplay here is decent enough, with more a passing resemblance to Devil May Cry, from the characters basic look to the style meter for stringing comboc together. More variety of enemies would be good, instead of just LOADS of the same couple of types. Still this is a game, much like Fireworks and indeed a lot of old school type games, where you play until you die. Good job!
Smash! : RWB
Well this game doesn't look great, the limitations of the Red White and Blue format really restric the visuals. But gameplay here is fantastic, with humour and general knowledge being very good. The picture round actually embraces the format quite well, with seemingly normal pictures made much harder to recognise because of the RWB format. Brilliant quiz!
Life of a Fireman
This is probably the weakest game of the bunch, but is still quite enjoyable. The first level is mercilessly hard, with fires breaking out almost constantly and your water levels depleting far too quickly. The second level is just a race against time, with some ok collision detection with the houses. The thrid level seemed to go on for far too long, with more and more people falling as it goes on. The people were obviously randoly falling as there was a couple of occasions where it was impossible to save someone as 2 people fell at the same tie on opposite ends of the screen. Frustrating!
Overall, this is a strong collection of games, that all embraced the theme of the entry in their own ways. Nice work!

im just copying the guy below me hey guy