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Reviews for "Idiocy Test"

This is pretty good.

But was the html section a good idea? I mean, an alleged idiot could hypothetically get a 5/40 because he got a perfect on the html section, being a "geek". That, frankly, was the only reason I got a 38 instead of a 40, but, hey, an A+ is an A+.

afsdgugadouhnihdajia responds:

The BBS uses HTML tags to alter the appearance of text, and I've seen people use other types of tags on the BBS, so I decided to add that section. A score below 12 will get you an F-.


A-, hoorah

my opinion

no disrespect, but it was weak. some of the questions were way to easy and it seemed like you were purely trying to tell mr. fulp how much of a nice respectful guy you are to, you coulda done that in an e-mail. just pull your tonge out of his ass.

afsdgugadouhnihdajia responds:

Many of the questions' answers were very easy to determine, but you need to honestly answer what you would do in the given situation in order to get an accurate score. I didn't intend to tell the administrators that, but I ended up doing it.

very nice

that was a very good flash, but likeLtDonny said there are a couple of spelling error. YA! i got a A+ (38/40) YA!

afsdgugadouhnihdajia responds:

Yeah, there are some if not many spelling errors. They don't seem to be that big of a problem(they make me seem hypocritical), but if the movie is popular for some reason then I might fix them.


That was great, and deserved to be saved. 5/5.
And I got 39/40. Which was an A+.
Wait, 39/40=A+? But nonetheless, good.

afsdgugadouhnihdajia responds:


This is how the grade system works. When it says -, it means greater than the first number and less than the second because that was how I coded the end.

F- | <12 |
F | 11-14 |
F+ | 13-16 |
D- | 15-18 |
D | 17-20 |
D+ | 19-22 |
C- | 21-24 |
C | 23-26 |
C+ | 25-28 |
B- | 27-30 |
B | 29-32 |
B+ | 31-34 |
A- | 33-36 |
A | 35-38 |
A+ | >37 |