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Reviews for "Let's Dance [Collab - Hel"

I knooow that lead!

Very nice:D Lol i didnt know the original was by you too:P
This one is so much better!
I like it alot, though i think there are some things u could work on:)
- Take that kick.. The kick is really cutted off, i'd rather put that cutoff away and make high band it:D Dont forget the bass though:P What you also could try is to put one cutoff kick, then put a non cutoff kick on top, that'd give it some more bass too:)
- The end was a bit abrupt in my opinion, try ending it with a monotone bass and beat:D
- The lead was nice, though it doesnt sound that original
- The woosh at the beginning is waay to loud, u should try building alot of stuff up till one climax and then add in the lead:) instead of just one w-noise..
-I liked the ambient feel over it alot:D gave me a relaxing feeling:)

Very very nice dude! Though u could improve;)


G'day m8s!


syphonmax responds:

Thanks man =]

We'll make the changes eventually, lazy dudes we are :P

Helth says: Want some pizza XD

Well he didn't but ah well :P

goodie! :)

i enjoyed this a lot.... it has the good style in it: not so energyful and full of everything, just ''too less'' instruments, what are very great together.

it's pretty 'peaceful' and strong at same time... sounds weird but SO good!
the synth-thing... what's that? comfort slide with a little bunch (what i can't even barely hear... =D).

the song itself, has a nice style in there, like ''i'm still alive... still alive.''. somewhat like that. =D
i mean the song brings the positive feeling, that... phaaa... i can't explain it xD

i love the bassdrum in there. it makes a very little quietness after hitting. song becames very nice with bassdrum like that.

good thing, it has good leadbass. not so scratchy or too soft, just that right thing with a little wobbling (whateva i can say that) and pan changing. so good.

but OVERALL in small size:
very good.

that's why i rate 9/10, is about that thing, it repeats some places on the song.
not so badly i would rate the song like 8/10!


Be the music, be the life.

syphonmax responds:


I thinks I lost my shoe O_O

lol Nice review man, sorry about repetition, but hey nothing is perfect right?

jea ok..

let me guess
0:55 - 1:41
2:22 - 3:52
I think those two parts are from helth =)

But I heard better things from you
No real climax, and a bit repetitive
So 4/9

Looking forward to more collabs
I know you can do better =D


syphonmax responds:

Oh we can and we will =D

And erm....2 points to you...unlucky :S

I just woke up but I feel wide awake now =)

Very energizing and happy dance song you have here! Very nice piece. I'll start with the positive stuff. The progressions were awesome and definitely made it feel like a professional dance song (just based on the progression style.) The structure of the song was great. Parts didn't get to repetitive for a dance/trance song. Breaks were awesome, loved the LP filter break and the piano break. But the best part of the song is that I can feel emotions from the song, I'm sure this was a fun song to make and the song says it all. Some criticisms, not a real big fan of the snare used in this one. I don't know if you put a HP filter on the snare or something but there is no mids or lower frequencies on that snare. That alone could have added some umf! to the song. At times there is almost to much stuff going on. Since pretty much everything in here has some "fuzz" on it they don't really mix that well when there is like three of them going at the same time. It sounds like there are some sounds fighting to be heard, I'm not sure if it is because of a compressor that wasn't used correctly or if because one wasn't used at all. You probably could have just turned down the volume a little and you would have been fine, just fixed stuff with your mixer or master. I'll save you the rest because I want this to be a 50% good and 50% criticisms review. Really though guys great job and keep up the good work!

you want me to guess parts? I have never been a fan of embarrassing myself and without the pan flute Helth's part will be hard to find. HMmmm I guess I'll just say that Helth made the piano, the arp that came in around :50, and the string part at the end. And Syphon, well, I have never heard any of his stuff so it is kind of hard for me to tell what is his. I'll just say he made the rest... Anyway kudos to the both of you for making a truly energizing, inspiring, and blissful dance track.

5/5 and dl'd
-Liam Howlett

syphonmax responds:

lol I'll have to give you 2 points, unlucky XD

But hey thanks for the awesome review, we'll look into it, especially to make our next collab special. Not hinting at anything though :P

And yeah we put a lot of effort into this and all I can say is that it's probably one of the best songs I've ever made, not sure if HelthRMX agrees but hell we had loads of fun XD

Thanks dude, and I hope you listen to this all the damn time XD

Its Good

You should have kept the first 1's beat and just have made it longer but i dont know maybe the reason this got on best tracks is because they like the new beat better. Anyway its just my opinon so you keep on progressing and make even better tracks.


syphonmax responds:

I would have done that, but I lost the flp of the first beat, but I can try making a new version of it.