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Reviews for "Sheindlin's Reign"

Great Job :)!

This was awesome I loved all the violence and the dog and all the things he did and when he took a crap omg that was halarious I loved the whole thing and cant wait for more hopefully theres another 1 on the way don't keep us waiting!

funny as hell!!

I loved it! It was hilarious! Make more please!

oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god!

this was too freaking funny to imagine! OF ALL THE THINGS I'VE SEEN ON NEWGROUNDS (IVE BEEN HERE FOR 5 YRS. (Shh dont tell anyone :0) THIS IS THE BEST THING I"VE SEEN ON NEWGROUNDS! and i'm only 12 :0! well i'm gonna go watch this again! cya ;8er d00d


Ok, well usually when someone says "rotfl" they arent really "rolling on the floor laughing" but holy shit goddamnit I was. This was BY FAR the funniest flash movie i've ever seen and I formally dub thee "master of daytime tv comedy".


dear god that was GENIUS! ... omfg ... i cant believe that that was so good .. the random-stoner-esque-ness of that was mind blowing ALL MY 5 ARE BELONG TO THIS!