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Reviews for "Vi the Sailorgirl"

Jazza already pointed out some trouble in composition, and mentioned making the background with a more painted feel. I thought I'd add on that and say that colour and composition largely impacts where our vision is guided.

Large areas of vivid colours are attention hogs, while dimmer tones are more harmonic and sort of "blend in". In this case, Pantheon and Leonas red and yellow shields respectively, attract a lot of attention; Vi is more dimmed down, and then sort of disappears in the composition. Similarly, the strong movement from Vi punching Panth attracts a lot of attention to the movement itself, rather than the character doing it. I'd suggest reading up on composition, and how to use it to make illustrations more clear.

Of course this is all nitpicking, great work on everything else!

Asterix and Obelix... Good times...

This is a nice drawing. The shading is good, and it's very well done in some places. I also love the Pop-Eye reference you threw in there, really fits with the whole "sailor" get up. You really have some talent with art, and I hope you continue to practice it.

Quite teamfight they are have XD!

I love how that there's so many characters in this piece, that even the area above her cleavage has a smiley, winking face.