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Reviews for "Do Us Part"

Good job

Nice job, very artistic. Just ignore all the little kids, basement nerds and idiots whose entertainment can't go beyond just naked girls and excessive meaningless violence. Just let them grow up to be assholes and let them get their asses kicked after they grow older and take a step into reality and realize that life is about more then just watching other people have sex and kill each other, with no perspective on real art, life, or reality what so ever, since they’re obviously either too stupid or too scared. People like this shouldn’t even be reviewing anything. Natural selection should do its job when these idiots get their tails kicked in the world, since they have no real talent or ambition anyway.

Anyway, nice job, it had a pretty good message, about how you can’t just go killing yourself without thinking about how people you care about will react.

That was fantastic

very touching, the graphics needed a little work, but were good regardless, the whole thing was great, keep it up

Pretty good :D

Not bad- it's actually pretty good. Don't listen to what SOME people say *glares at said people* It's very good, better than a lot of shit I've seen on this website making front page.

But then, that's just my opinion.

Keep up the good work- perhaps make a sequal? :) Sorta show us what it's all about, more background, etc.


THat Was the best damn thing ever

It was ok

as a catholic i dont aprove of suicide since God gave you a life for a reason, but thats not what im going to grade this on. im gonna grade it on your effort and the flash itself. obviously you tried to make it dramatic so thats on your side but there was only 1 song so only an 8 on that. now there was no interactivity so i just leave that zero and unless your derranged, there was no humor. i liked your style though and the graphics were great. it was great that you didnt leave the bathroom empty and filled it up with small details that although seem insignificant, realy boosted it like the tube from the toilet to the wall (i know that sounds weird but combined with other things it helps create an environment. anyway the camera angles were pretty good and i liked how you covered the eyes with the hair. one thing i didnt like was how there was no explanation for why she wanted to kill herself. for others this was a plus because of suspense. overall i give you a 10 and a 5 for a vote.

hopes this helps