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Reviews for "FF Oblivion Chapter 2"

An improvement

I couldn't help but lose interest during some moments, however. Squall took far too long to summon Locke, a quick flashy effect that takes a few seconds was all that was required, and there's not anything else going on while we're watching those two blobs float around. Also, the magical effects in general are kind of weak. It's nice that you're making your own, but Blizzaga was nothing more than a light blue blob that made Biggs (or Wedge?) float away. It would've been more exciting had the attack incured damage instead, and seemed more painful to the victim.
It wouldn't hurt to proof read your dialogue, either. During the conversation between Locke and Setzer, Setzer actually tells Locke not to tell him everything if he didn't want to. Seconds later, he's thinking that Locke is holding something back, which conflicts with his earlier statement of understanding.
And I agree that the KH Cloud looked out of place, but it was almost worth it for the battle animations. Which leads me to the meat of this movie, the battle against Shadow. Here is where you seem to really shine, as the battle was intense, filled with sound effects and had some very smooth attacks. Shadow vanishing and materialising elsewhere was quite nice, as was Cyan's defense against his shuriken attacks. If all your battles were that interesting all the time, you'd be getting blue scores, possibly even Pick of the Days. Certainly this one is an improvement on the animation, so I predict you'll have some truly excellent movies later on in the series. Keep it up.

SneakyBrothers responds:

I still haven't figured out why my flashmovies slowdown. It can really be seen in this battle Shadow vs Cloud. While testing, the animation was faster and smoother. If somebody knows how to fix this I'd really appreciate it. It's much better watching this movie when its actually playing 30 fps, instead of this slowdown.

Funny that you mentioned that the shining part was the battle starting from the shuriken attack, because that's where I continued it after reading the part1 reviews. If reviewing has this good influence on me, please review more!! =)

Its good

It was good, but it's a bit drawn out. Kinda annoying how you have to keep clicking to continue, but overall it was good.

Very nice

I've got few things to mention..

1. Use of other character's from FF series and KH..

2. BGM was better (I think)

3. Much shorter and straight-forwad(other words, there were no redundant scenes)...

Next time, don't take too much time on making violence scenes (no offense, just an advice)

Personally, I'm looking forward to next parts..

Very nice.

You've improved from the last one. However, one thing that bothers me is that a lot of stuff was just too long like the "Dimensional Gate" move and Omnislash. Still, this looks interesting, and I can't wait for the next episode.

Er.. um.

Okay, honestly, I have to cut your score down. This is Final Fighting Fantasy all over again.. what do I mean? Locke. Locke being trained by Shadow in FFF was bad enough, but by SQUALL?! Locke with a gunblade? I'm sorry you guys all hate Locke so much and think he's a wuss or something. He had good weapons, was very fast, had a Limit Break style skill, and for god's sake, he could steal the clothes off your back before you even notice him doing it!

Aside from that, this had heavier grammar problems than Part 1, and the story got a little annoying (I always find it tacky when a character from another world/place shows up and instantly has some methodical, longwinded explanation that sums up things we already know... mostly because these explanations never sound like real, fluid, interesting dialogue and are devoid of characterization. For example, would Squall talk that much without getting frustrated at having to explain things to someone? he didn't like talking to others.)

The fights were pretty good and I was pleased with them. I'm not a KH fan at all but I can tolerate it since it gives a clear, convenient definition of why these worlds would be thrown together. The KH Cloud looked bad, to me, though. I wonder what the point of getting an FFVI-style Squall was when you have a Cloud who looks like this. I also have always kind of hated what they did to Cloud in KH anyway, so I'm a little biased on this matter, so don't mind me.

I'm gonna keep watching and give you the benefit of the doubt, because you're making a quality movie, I just dislike certain little elements. But if I watch part 3 and Cloud trains Cyan to use a Buster Sword, I'll so give you a zero, I swear to god...

SneakyBrothers responds:

First I appreciate that you reviewed even though you didn't like it.
Anyway, you're right about some things. Grammar wasn't something I was succesful at two first movies. Prehaps I was too eager to submit.
About Locke and Squall. I don't hate Locke and that training included mostly only how to junction GF, draw magic and basic use of gunblade. In that scene where Locke saves Setzer, Locke casts blizzara instead of ice2. That means he uses a GF. I can accept that this Locke thing doesn't please you, but I can't please everybody.
You're not the only one who said that Cloud sprite didn't fit in this movie, but I still have to use it. I hope it doens't bother too much.
I'm glad that you were pleased with the fights, I personally weren't because they weren't that good in the net than they were while testing. I have managed to fix that problem in part 3&4. And the fights are much better after part2. I have learned much after these two parts. I also think that the grammar is better in parts after part2.
Cloud trains Cyan to use a Buster Sword? That's a wonderful idea!!! I'll add your name to the ending credits! Ok I'm just kidding.
Anyway just give part 3&4 a try.