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Reviews for "Nim's Winter tale"

Absolutely groundbreaking animation.. Genius.

Amazing Graphical effects on this Flash.. The observation required to get the snow effect like it is, it's nailed to perfection and I would imagine there will be a few animators that will use this effect in the near future...

The soundtrack suits the piece perfectly..

and the fact that it's Swedish with english subtitles just adds even more to the mood of this piece.

Excellent! - well done, definetly another NewGrounds classic.


Alltså, det här är äkta svenskt sagoberättande. Troll och tomtar(jag gillar troll särskilt mycket). Påminner mig om några finna böcker om tomtar jag fick när jag var liten. Bra att några svenska skapare vågar göra filmer på svenska(Smart att att använda sub).
Hoppas du gör mer i samma stil(med sånna där långnästa troll, dom är coola).

I wish more people were like this

All I see these days on the internet is cartoons with violence and gore, adult themes, drugs, misspelled words like there (they're) but this was beautiful. It was sweet, simple, and beautifully crafted. It was great. Good job;

I was left speechless.

Keep up the amazing work.

Congratulations! You've created a masterpiece.

An almost perfect flash animation. The backgrounds were detailed, the animation was smooth and it had a solid story. Possibly it's only flaw was the similar music throughout the flash. Masterpieces are apperaing a lot more often on Newgrounds now, other flash artists take note of this!