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Reviews for "The 5 Shades of Blue"

That was a little bit of evrything

Though i thought space_chicken's piece was the best

Very, very nice...I especially like xionic_demon's

And no I, don't like it cause he has (nearly) the same alias as me, but because he took the time to express what is going through his mind...Yet I don't put the credit to one person alone, all of you who did this worked very hard and I appreciate what you do. I myself and practicing on flash, but my hardrive has to be upgraded. (I only got about 250kh of space >.<') So congratulations to all of you to making it to the front page and I expect more from each of you!

Woo...had to get that outta my system...

I liked it

The idea was good and it was well carried out by each artist. Well done.

hellou there

im proud with the result of this collab =D, it seems we made it well =), tot hose who said who liked our flash or those who disliked it AND saying their reasons, thanks for ur comments, but those who said that it sucks without explaining why well...i suppose everyone got their own reasons sigh-
and to those who said that my flash sucks...th..thanks for ur comments ¬¬...but oh well..and thanks to those who liked my flash, i shall keep it up and not follow the suggestion of..umm..lemme see..oh yeah blauber or sumthin, nah i wont kill myself dont worry ¬¬, and to other person who said i was a girl...um..im a guy O_o
and TheGloriousmonster, thanks for ur long comment, but i suggest u to try to understand the story a lil better before commenting =P

ok if anyone wants to contact me, u can via msn or mail by sion_20_bouncer@hotmail etc etc


Awsome. There is one word that describes these flashes.
There are three worthwhile flashes ZekeySpaceLizard,xionic-demon, and DjAmin. Those three are very nicley done the other four arent very good.