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Reviews for "The Tourette's Burglar"

Fucking Funny

lets i was watching the flash and when the girl said the wind does not say crappy ass ass i lost it.

and both of my contacts poped out becuase i was laughing so hard at it.

crapy ass ass crapy ass balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not quite as action-packed as 3 3ast 3 3urious...

but it more than makes up for it by being EVEN FUNNIER, if that was even possible. I didn't think it was, but... apparently I was wrong! BTW, seeing this second submission of yours on NG prompted me to check out your site, and... I watched all 10 (or so) short flashes therein. Great stuff on there that you haven't submitted to NG (yet?)! You guys rock. I love the X-treme laxative commercial and the "find the will to live" video game commercial especially.

But anyway, turning back to Tourette's Burglar, probably the best of all of them in terms of sheer comedic quality:

Unlike others who wish you'd had the burglar scream far worse profanities than "ass" and "balls" and "crappy," I personally find it quite brilliant. Not only does it make the viewership's age range wider, and not outright offend tons of potential viewers quite as much... but hell, you could probably get away with this being aired at school assemblies or something. IT MUST BE SPREAD TO ALL THE WORLD! Hahaha.

Anyway, I loved certain touches. How the burglar managed to grab just a trophy off the shell before he was reduced to an ass/balls spouting mess. That was classic. Also, how he sounded while trying to stifle his assy-ballsness. And the greatest part of his epic monologue was OF COURSE the "BALLS!!!!! .... assy assy assy assy crappy ass crappy crappy crappy ass!" part. Greatest of all time. Believe it or not, but my girlfriend and I now recite that too each other from time to time. It's just that good. And catchy!

And finally, I can't leave out the hilarity that's going on in the bedroom during all of this. The meteorologist and his wife form quite the comic duo. I love his responses to her natural worries about sounds downstairs, and when he's throwing all his shit (degree, hat, etc.) at her, and mentions his weatherman's whistle... you think he's just bullshitting... but when we find out he was serious... it's just the best comic payoff ever. GREAT SENSE OF TIMING, BTW. That's the key to it all. Greatness. Pure greatness. This and 3333 deserve their own collection page. Heh. KEEP CHURNING THEM OUT, I'll keep checking out your site. But hey, submit more here on NG! Many many people are being deprived of your weekly greatness. :::nods:::


Well, it does have a happy ending...somewhat...

I wish I had a super choper calling whistle...

hahahahaha :-D

i laughed and laughed and laughed

that was crap ass fucking balls awesome crap

Thas ass was balls funny crappy ass. make BALLS more couse it was CRAP very crappy balls licking awesome