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Reviews for "MC Hawking: Music Video"

Brilliant. Fucking Brilliant.

And to all those reviews out that are giving is a low score just because it pissed you off and offended you, lightening the fuck up.
It's just a cartoon.
There really is no need for a silly debate about science and religion.

it was'nt that good

i think this to~so am i to take it that everyone that believes in any sort of supernatural intervention within or outside of our natural relm, boundries, and laws is an ignoramous? i mean, sure, new-agers and crystal freaks are definately out of the logical picture, but what about creationists? i firmly believe that there is a god and that he is responsible for the creation of the universe, the setting of it's foundations, and upholds the laws of nature. does that mean that i place my reliance on "blind faith"? am i just some back-water religious fanatic? could i even be courteously explained away as someone who has to check my brain at the door to go to a church?

first off, by the same standard that dictates that evolution is not a religion, creationism is not a religion. you can believe that there is a god and not be religious at all (i know that my co-workers have proven that to me time and again). however, by the definition of a religion (the laws, rules, ways of life, etc. subsequent to the origins of the universe), every hard-line secularist is a religious fanatic. either way, they're in the same group.

but why is it that i'm the ignorant one? has sience empirically done away with 'religious myths'? is religion only held on to for its indirect benefit as an incentive to be good? have i based my life solely on legends and folklore?

what about noted scientists like kent hovind? he's a seminarist who's devoted his life to public speaking. he speaks about seven hundred times a year on the issues or creation, evolution, and dinosaurs, and the effect off secularism and theism on society. and how about the journalist lee strobel? this man started off in a christian home, became a hardent atheist because of his schooling, but when he actually looked into it for himself, he became one of the greatest apologists for the christian faith. and how about robert gentry? a fabulous man of pure science that studied radio poloneum halos. he found that this extremely common anomaly, found in granite all over the world, irrefutably points to an instantaneous, cool (not molten) origin of this earth. there are hundreds of scientists of good standing (some very well-noted) that dissent to anything other than supernatural intervention when it comes to the origin of this universe. whether is was allah, krishnu, jahova or any other established god of religion is beside the point. the point of the matter is that it didn't happen by chance (even accompanied by natural selection).

the point that i'm making here is that i am not just some willingly ignorant, bible-spouting hillbilly. even amoung my secular circle of friends, i'm regarded as a very intuitive, knowlegeable person. now, i'm not saying that all secularists are blithering idiots either. the do have there points (i've got no problem with saying that they're wrong, but i will not call them idiots by default). i'm also not saying that everyone who believes in creation, however right i deem them to be, aren't willingly ignorant, bible-spouting hillbillies, but, by that standard, i say that there are quite a few secularists who just spout off what they were fed in school and stereotype anything spiritual as hokey, out-dated, and restraining.

the bottom line: i take my brain with me when i go to worship. i am as much in this century as any secularist that i've debated with. creation is science


i frickin love teh natural law!

down with opinion! up with constructive debate based around agreed upon givens and logical steps!


It was a funny movie, and I think too many people are being hung up over the song. It is quite ridiculous, and portrays 'fundametalist' and evil blind retarded douchebags. But are fundamentals that bad? No it isn't. Anyway, I can rant and natter on pointlessly about that subject, but luckily for you, I'm not.

Funny song mainly. The reason is funny is because of the stereotype insulting. Which isn't that hard to do... it was good, and could be better... bottomline...

That was mutha fuckin TIZZIGHT!

I like cheese. ALOT. Does that count as creationism if I think cheese created the universe. CHEESE! OMFG I've got it! Maybe... there is a god, and he is CHEESE!!! ALL CHEESE IS GOD!!. Have you ever read the book "Stranger in a Strange Land"? It's a good-ness.