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Reviews for "Holy Cow!"

You really need to fix this.

I just read all the other reviews and your reactions. The guy with the super long review is right on every point. To everyone that says it's too hard, you say stay under the cow. This does nothing, because the other cow can GO THROUGH YOU. This means when you drop it below yourself the cow just zooms through you and turns the holy blessing into a raw blessing. Like the guy with the long review, I tried everything, and it is impossible. Again like him, I think this has great potential, and you NEED to fix this before it's too late and Tom/Wade/whoever has viewed this and deemed it impossible and you don't get front page. If you fix it before that, this is almost guaranteed front page. Good luck!

earl223 responds:

Yeah... i did. You can now play it without the pesky Unhly Cow.

Anyways, i guess some of you just have to play with the Unholy guy a little longer. I've been testing the game while making it of course and have found a way to easily avoid the critter. Which is why i suggested: "Stay below the Unholy Cow..." and also the more distance you place between you and the cow, the faster the sucker will go. So keep you distance at a minimum, and try and go in circles around him. I hope it will work for you coz it worked for me.


How the hell aint this on the front page. I'm shocked. Numa numa is still on the there and I had to go digging for a quality piece like this.

Whats going on!

earl223 responds:

I guess it's because Numa Numa got all the exposure early on... which deprives other worthwhile movies/games from tasting the spotlight.

yoo difficult

yeah.... that little unholy cow really ruins the whole game. he moves way too fast AND can move more than you. maybe you could just change the speed of the falling blessings once the Holy Cow has converted them?

great style, great looking, very professional looking. terrible gameplay because you just can't win.

earl223 responds:

check out the updated version. No Unholy Cow there.

Cute and Cool GAME~!

El ron be with you!
Holy moly! This is such a excellent game! NICE TYPE!
I had a great fun for an hour playing your game!
Hope you make another great game and wish you that this game to be on a front page!

earl223 responds:

hey thanks! :)

Good concept, good design, one HUGE flaw

As most of the previous 9 reviewers have mentioned, the game isn't just challenging--it's IMPOSSIBLE.

At first, I thought the problem was my P2-266 making it slow (but that would slow the evil cow down as well, right?)... oh, and BTW, the LEVEL 1 text takes forever to leave the screen and let the game start... you have it come in all fancy and then us slow-CPU users have to wait for each letter to spring forward? L, then E, then V, etc. etc.... it just seems a bit overdone and takes too long... similarly, gravestones take quite awhile to disappear and be replaced by new people awaiting blessings, but that might be intentional...

But then I saw that I was far from alone in having the problem of only being able to score points by dumping blessings in the toilet/funnel (BTW, we can dump those blessings in there either true OR raw without the evil cow stopping us... because we can SIT right on top of the funnel... why can't we do the same with the people?!). You've told many of those reviewers, and indeed ALL of us in your main author's comments, that we should "stay under the evil cow," but unfortunately that's only possible for a brief, brief time. I've tried delivering about 30 blessings to the people and not a single one has reached them while in TRUE form. I've tried zipping the mouse over there as fast as possible and releasing it before the cow can come down and touch it... the evil cow touches it LONG before it gets to the person. I've tried releasing ANOTHER blessing across the screen (and way up high) from the person I'm intending to feed a true blessing to (I get a blessing no one wants, I make it true... I drop it, the evil cow comes running for it, and I quickly go for the blessing someone currently wants, grab it, and hit the deck, releasing the blessing AS LOW AS I CAN, and yet the evil cow still manages to zip right over and touch it). I've tried many many ways of doing it, most of which involve trying to get the evil cow as far away and as high above me as possible, but none of them stop him from going right through me to touch the blessing before it's even halfway between the spot I have to drop it at and the person below.

One of three things should be changed:

1) THE EVIL COW MOVES SLOWER. You said you'll consider this... why consider it? You'd better change it NOW rather than later (while your movie is still changable.. get a certain amount of views and it won't be able to be changed) before people start downvoting this. It has a 3.52, but if it was actually playable, I think it'd have 4.00+)

2) THE EVIL COW HAS TO SPEND MORE TIME OVER A TRUE BLESSING TO TURN IT BACK TO RAW. This would allow people who've managed to keep their true blessing away from the evil cow until they release it to at least have a chance of the blessing getting to the people before it becomes raw again and kills them.

3) THE LOWEST HEIGHT YOUR COW CAN FLY DOWN TO IS LOWERED (because the evil cow can get right onto the people but you can't). You have to stop like a centimeter above them and that space in between the LOWEST height you can drop blessings from... and where the people actually catch them... is where the evil cow makes your job IMPOSSIBLE.

This has the potential to be one of the greatest games on NG (and I'd personally REALLY love to see what happens when you actually bless a person successfully), but right now it's just an unwinnable exercise in frustration for many many users. You can be assured that for every one of us reviewing this to tell you you've coded the evil cow to be impossible for most of us (you're the creator, of course you can figure out a way to evade him "by staying below him"), there are 10 other people who aren't bothering to review to tell you that but are instead simply voting the game's score down and moving on, never to play your game again. PLEASE fix this problem. The evil cow SHOULD make the game hard, yes, but not this hard. It's ridiculous.

earl223 responds:

Thanks for the loooonnggg review. Really sorry about the cow thing. And sorry if i jumped to conclusions when making this game. With all the P4s out, i was not aware that anyone was still using a P2. Anyway, the game, with many "object" moving around at any given time, would surely slow down on processors lower than P3. I may submit an easier version tomorrow... but am not sure how that will affect game play.