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Reviews for "Eggman's Revenge"


(it isn't comed it is come) well the movie aint bad the story was a nice idea so keep it up

Eiandvhu responds:

okay, not very good on english.
But thanks for the great review^_^


Thanks for voting, Payner!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 5.20 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 16% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 6.03 votes!

You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 1.8395 to 1.9742!
If this movie is protected you will get a PROTECTION point!

Improve the graphics, lose the buttons, maybe add voiceovers, and wow that would completly rock


It was okay... Try making your own drawings instead of just using srpites for gods sake! um, but ya... pretty nice still...

- FuriKuri52000

Eiandvhu responds:

what if i like using sprites?, what if i hate to draw?.. i may make drawed movies in the future but i will always make most of my movies in sprites

Not bad

the text was hard to read...first part was too small and the black bleneded with the background. 2nd part in the lab...the white did the same. should of used word balloons. Good job though.

Eiandvhu responds:

okay, maybe i'l make speaking bubbles and re-upload

Robots go boom. Big bad-a boom.

Short and nice, but why the sudden switch from one text to another?
I liked the later text. Shows promise and much potential.