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Reviews for "Leave It To Bush #001"


I gave you one less point then you deserve... why? I have my reasons... damn Liberals (Communists). Though I did VERY Much like your cartoon of Gary, one thing though, he had bigger front teeth.

Gary Busey!?!?

Aww, I was hoping for Gary Busey's "Can I have a little kiss before you leave?" from "Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas"

Regardless, very impressive!

dont get me wrong

i hate bush but all those jokes have been beaten to the ground already.


Ok, when in the HELL did George Bush ever say "With crosses in their foreheads?" or "Buttsex"?


I hate to waste the review spot with my review because of the nice one that was typed before me, but I will anyway. You did a very good job with the sound splicing. I don't understand what the whole anime intro was all about, but thats ok cause you made up for it. Since SilentThief had such a good review, it will stay up here cause I'm gonna cut and paste for you.

"It was drawn very nicely. I like the style very much. It wasn't too funny though. A little off. As for the morons who voted 0 because they hate democrats, in case you haven't noticed, Bush hasn't done much to help the public in his presidency. I'm not saying John Kerry was anything special either. Just because some of you are too stubborn to see the lies in the bias media doesn't mean you have to call the people who can see through Bush's cover-ups idiots. Republics aren't stupid and neither are Democrats. It's the morons who refuse to see both sides of the story that are truly idiots."
- SilentThief

Please don't sue. Keep it up Ken McIntyre!