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Reviews for "[LK] Euphoria"

I agree with Foxtrot-Zero

Its a great song and i personality think the techno theme and the piano enterence was great.
But around 1:23 u basicly did the some thing over and over again but i think u make it up the the 2nd piano playing.
I love the song and i can tell u put a lot of hard work into it, so ill give you a 9.

LK412 responds:

Thanks a lot, the break was just a new thing for me and i wanted to try it out.

It was out of place i know but i thought it gave the song a memorable touch.

Thanks a lot for the review!


What can I say? The intro was pretty freakin epic, my only complaint was around 1:20. It seemed out of place? I dont know, I'm no music expert, and I think Foxtrot pretty much summed it up, so I won't be taking any credit for the constructive criticism.

It is a GREAT song though, I love the melody, and as everyone stated. I like the coming back to the piano at the end though. I personally think it was a nice touch. But those are my opinions. I just disliked the 1:20 and the overrall middle part I guess. The scratching was weird.

And sorry if its all jumbled up, i was listening to it like 6 times while writing this up.

Good Job though.

Keep it up.

Don't let anything get you down or stand in your way.

Keep the creative juice flowing.



LK412 responds:

The break you are referring to was purely experimental. I never tried it and i wanted to mix my songs up a bit.

I personally thought it gave it a unique feel, making the song have 2 sides to it, Happy, and Dark.

Anyways thanks a lot for the awesome review! I really appreciate it

From one 15-year old to another...

From one 15-year old to another, GREAT SONG! :D

It could have been fine-tuned a bit, like it sounded a bit fuzzy... but the <3 the melodies (espeically the one the song starts out with).
'Least I know it's possible for a 15-year old to hit it big in the audio world dominated by older ppl. :)

Great song! :D

LK412 responds:

Haha thanks!

you know

You did pretty well with the melody. Its insanely catchy and ive actually gotten in a bit of trouble for humming this during school. The bassline does get a bit repetivie and it kinda makes me want to leave the song and find something else. But, i cannot because that melody is so catchy i just sit and listen while i think of things to draw or write.

Before i leave i'd like to point out that the comment below me has 2 flaws. 1: This is not basshunter (as far as i know) 2: By saying "U STOP STEALIN HIS A** SONGS NOW PLZ" you insulted basshunter by calling his songs just that. And for the guy below him, just go away. No one things thats cool or anything. They just think your an idiot.

To conclude: 4/5 9/10 and i downloaded it too. Till next time

LK412 responds:

:D Haha thanks a lot man!

People think i try to sound like basshunter, but thats not the case. I just strive to make catchy melodies, and we can all agree that Basshunter's melodies are catchy as hell. Maybe thats why they find our melodies similar.

"Its insanely catchy and ive actually gotten in a bit of trouble for humming this during school." Thats exactly what i try to go for, i want a song to be memorable. I realize you can do that by having a really unique song, but you can also do it with a catchy melody.

Yes, the chord progression is over used, but hey, i made the melody A LONG time ago. Before this song was even made.

Thanks a lot for the review man :D

This brings back good memories ~