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Reviews for "Last Promise (Kinen Menu)"

Very, very well done.

The sound quality is excellent and I have no qualms with the piano taking a forefront in this piece. I would love to hear some more of the woodwind colors though, they just add such a lovely sound to any piece of music if used properly (and here, the clarinet is used marvelously.) I don't understand why this is only around a 4.11/5.00 in the overall ratings, I think this is a great work of superior quality.

I can definitely hear the influence of KH2 and FFX-2 in this piece. The string crescendo at the beginning is a heavy inspiration from it, and the piano's use of arpeggios and other broken chords borrows heavily from the aforementioned pieces; and that's ok.

I must say, I have this playing in the background a great deal, mainly because it's that soothing. It's a lovely piece, and you should be very proud of it's passion and heart. Keep up the excellent work, and I'll be sure to keep my eyes and ears open for more of your stuff.

soft, lovely, touching

A very lovely tune!
Just as expected - I like it! :)
The piano is the main instrument, so it has to be "the loudest one" ^^

Keep comin'!

Nice work. :)

I have a few suggestions:

That opening motive: do something more with it. The listener hears that slow violin crescendo, and the clarinet/bell enters. Yet, the clarinet is not following the violins lead. Make sure that each individual voice follows with or against the other. (This creates true expression in music.)

The piano is nice, but tone it down. I can't hear the other individual lines that well. I like the arpeggiation and expression. It keeps the music flowing in a certain direction.

However, though very expressive and pretty, try to do something more with it. Not to be mean, but it doesn't seem to loop very well. Try to tie the ending better into the beginning.

Also, write some motives/themes that can be used not only in this piece, but in the other pieces you are writing for this RPG. That way, you can make musical references throughout the entire soundtrack, and the listener will say, "huh, I heard that before. I wonder why?"

Good job! I hope to hear more! ^_^


Hey, sorry I haven't had much time to listen to some of your new songs, but I have to say, your music is improving A LOT.

At this rate you are going to be an unstoppable composer in no time! Please keep me updated with more PMs.


P.S. - is this real recorded piano?

Very nice.

I can see how this got inspired from kingdom hearts 2. I feel you could of added a little to this in one way or another giving a little more emotion. However what you got right now isn't all that bad. Its very nice to listen to. Its deffenatly long for a loop ^_~. Great work over all however and keep writing!
