Newgrounds Background Image Theme

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Reviews for "Grasher"

I love the shading in the grooves of its face.

Beautiful, Loving the shade's in this one.

(now excuse me for this)
Maar doe jij toevallig GLR? je gezicht komt me zo bekend voor.

SUIamena responds:

GLR? geen idee wat GLR is xD
Ik doe de opleiding Game Architecture and Design in het leuke Groningen als je een school bedoelt. misschien toeval dat mijn gezicht bekent voor komt xD

That's really impressive, the detail is really well done and I like the over-all design. The only thing I kind of dislike is that the textures seem a bit half-assed, I reckon it would have looked a lot better if you spent more effort into the textures.

Nonetheless, better than I could ever do.

Really good, but im not quite happy with the texture, feels too organic mesh to me.

nice job