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Reviews for "Majin Vegetto: Episode 4"

PERFECT keep it up

ur on my favs list
u got gotekns's voice perfect but no vegito and gohan wouldnt last that long becous his power lv is like 1,199,999 and vegito alone is like 100,000,000,000,000(becouse the strongest people in the universe do the strongest fusion will being majin) and when some 1 is put in majin form the full power is unlished gotenk's power non super sayion is an esapmated 11,111,111 (by the way gohan is in super sayin mode his power is a lil high than 1,199,999) and gotenk's super sayin is about 200,000,000 super sayin 3 500,000,000(i know im a dbz freek but im only estimating)please respond to my tips i want to know what u think of them ok

1.You sould like make buu(good buu) eat them and then majin vageto will seperat into majin goku and majin vegita sooo then goku gose super sayin 4 and vageta gose super sayin 4 then bust out of buu then put the erring on then his power will be around 999,999,999,999,999,000.
2.make brolly come back and do a FUSION so use your a majation like brolly and gohan=hollay:D see easy and like ummm gotenks and brolly!!! grotonks: )
3.make all the power in 1 place open a rip in the space time continuaum(like my big words)and open a hole in the sky the opens a rifft to hfil then cell frezia andriod 17 super 17 ummm...... all the bad guys!!!!! and the a nether hole that makes a hole to heaven all the good demons dabura and a hole to snake way and the kias platet and king kias planet so pretty much u got all the good guys and bad guys are asembled in a like 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
s its self man war or demon have the grim reaper and god hola loya u might need like 2 hole programes but u might get movie of the millenium o o i got another idea
4.for a suprse ending ull problly get front page have barny come out at the very middle but make him cool like a dragon and u know wat the umt rex looks like right make it kanda like that make flames and make his attack defence strenght all 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 so he kills all(exept god and grim) make them team up and like use the powers of good and evil to destory barney the childs play thang :>)so wat do u think o and at the end make grim vs god (if u can make a button to choose winner and make button to make it go back and choose a dif winner sry my ideas are so long over arative amagin amagination another short 1 make a heantia dbz :>D peace out

this has been a review by :William(medum1)


When is the next one coming out? I wanna see what happens to Gotenks and Gohan?

fucking awesome

looks like the actual show it rocks

what grpahics!

This seems to get better and better. that loading ssj2 gohan pic was the one that got it. i also was waiting for gotenks! his pic was cool to. can't wait to see the next fight. hope its cool!

friggin sweet

dude that was the best i like that loading picture of ss2 gohan very fucking bad ass