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Reviews for "Museys Coin catch"

goes to show that simplicity CAN work

I have to say I like this, that old classic method of moving about catching objects has always grown on me and never seems to tire or get old. Obviously this could do with a few tweaks) but mostly not bad at all…..
First off, graphics. I genuinely liked the looks of this game. It looked happy and therefore FELT physically relaxing, you gave the game pretty environment, such as the nice distant mountains and the clouds in the bright blue sky ect; such small little details as these really help contribute a great deal to the game’s success and enjoyment. I felt with this look of the game you gave it a very ‘family-friendly’ feel to the game, one that most users on the NG can play and enjoy; connected with the game-play the graphics really boosts the interactivity because it breathes life into your surroundings within the game and therefore gives it mood and setting.. Graphically the game looked sweet although I could argue that in some ways it did look a little MS Painted and that you could add some realism in such as some shadows when the coins fall would be a great help to get a better score; although I felt you already included realism such as the fading colours on the mountains in the background, this gave the game a more dramatic feel to it as I frantically dashed about trying to collect coins. Animation was something I was impressed about too, alright so the game didn’t have a bucket load of animations but the ones you did have were satisfactory enough. For example, the little scuttling movement of Musey as he dashed about was cute and the coins spinning and faces spinning were very classical; and the looks gave me a chuckle at times such as the evil looking face as the sun, and the objects you weren’t supposed to collect had happy faces on them. However, though I liked the graphics I do feel there was a lack at some points graphically, perhaps you could have different backgrounds and settings?
Next, sounds. Again, good and nothing much to complain about. I loved the happy background music because it felt very Mario-ish although since the game last a long time I think you should have other music tunes to listen to, after all the music isn’t exactly complex and loops around a lot and gets very repetitive after a while. I was a little disappointed that you didn’t include sound effects though; perhaps some sound for when you collect a coin or zaphoid, and a ‘game over’ sound?
Finally, game-play. This is where the game really shines for me, it’s nothing original and it’s simplistic but that’s why I love it - it isn’t over-exaggerated or trying to be complex. I like your own ideas of this type of game, such as mostly bad objects being dropped from above, this giving you a requirement to dodge about a lot and actually think about what you’re catching. This certainly gave the game a challenge, although I do question that there seemed to be a little shortage of coins compared to a lot of zaphoids. The game had a lot of replay value though because of its length, although I love how this game lasts but I feel you should break down the length. One game lasts an awful long time due to the objects dropped bar slowly depleting, and this makes the game a little repetitive and frustrating at times for the player. Stick with the ‘objects dropped’ count depleting, but how about including levels? Such as with different backgrounds and characteristics; for example the Zaphoids could be little fireballs in a ‘hell’ style theme and icicles in a snowy one ect. The game could also get increasingly difficult as you go along, with objects dropping faster and increasing the number of hazards to avoid dropping. All-in-all though, I love the game-play style and it’s one that I can come back to again and again.
Overall, “Musey Coin catch” could do with a few little extras but for now it is an addictively entertaining game as it is; and definitely one that everyone can enjoy. It’s simple, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. I hope you found my suggestions helpful, and well done :)

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Musey responds:

Wow, you certainly know how to review a submission. Thanks for the hints and tips. MCC2 has different levels, but each level remained the same but with the background getting closer to night-time. But your idea of different themes has inspired me. I will try for sound effects and choosable music also. i agree, there is a large ratio of zaphoids to coins, but it's 50\50 what falls, so it's not up to me what comes down. I will spend a lot longer on MCC2 and with any luck it will provail. Thanks for your review. -MUSEY-

Cute and Great Effort, BUT!

Your game strikes me as very well-produced and playable but there's something missing (sound effects lacking in general). This game reminds me of an old-school Atari game called Eggomania, which required the paddle controller to play. Little bit about that game: you are an ugly blue guy (yay 8-bit graphics!) with a bowl on your head and there's this crazy chicken which runs maniacally back and forth at the top of the screen dropping eggs everywhere. You have to catch every egg in your bowl (which can be made smaller by changing the difficulty with that little switch in the back) and if you miss even one, yolk starts to pile up and you die when the yolk covers the bowl completely. There's also a bonus round where you get to throw eggs at the chicken. After each bonus round the eggs come down faster and faster.

Something this game lacks is complexity, which could be added with just one more control, like press space to cover the pot or something like that. Also the movement of your little guy had no feel, and was rather slow. Maybe adding a little inertia, like a skid-to-stop after you let go of the arrow key, would make it feel less stiff. Something your game has that the old Atari game doesn't is an ENDING. But then Atari games almost never did. Also yours has a smidgeon of logic to it, unlike Eggomania which must have been drug-inspired. :) I love your game though, the graphics are lovely (though the little counters on the left/evil smiley in the sky confused me a bit), though the music is annoying (add sound effects instead to make it easier to figure out which item I've caught!) and I can't wait to see version 2!!!!!!!!!! *gives props*

Its a proper game, mate.

Oi, bollocks to ya game... it kissed me bum cheeks.

But seriously, you crazy English people crack me up with your MODS who zoom around on their Vespa's and hang out at the trendy local coffee shop. Heh heh...


it wasnt great but maybe thats because im not a huge fan of this kind of game but anyway it was well drawn and pretty addictive but the main thing i have against it is that the character moves pretty slowly...but, seeing as ur makin a version 2, i trust you to make ur own decisions, speed related or not *wink wink*

good job overall but i gotta ax you a question: is that the music from sonic 3's last level? (on the megadrive) i just had to ask cause its really bugging me :)


I hated it because it got very boring after the first five seconds. And you should of made it funner!