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Reviews for "Chrono Trigger Unglued 07"

i didnt like it

it wasnt as funny as it was trying to be

Cryokenetic responds:

Well you win some, you lose some

This was useless.

Everything that's on here is unoriginal. I've heard all the jokes, seen the sprites, heard the music, big freakin' whoop.
Plus, not to mention I hate seeing snakes die, as they're my favorite animal, it just got on my nerves....
How in the hell did you get a freakin award anyhoo?

Cryokenetic responds:

Hey, next time you write a review, don't just copy the guy who reviewed it before you. FYI.

Completely unfunny and unoriginal

Chrono Trigger is an amazing game, whereas this flash is garbage. First of all, it's a bunch of sprites, none of which you made, that BARELY MOVE. Secondly, the events that occur are stolen straight from the game. Just like the sprites, backgrounds, and music. The only thing you actually did yourself was the dialogue. Ah, the dialogue. Where shall I begin? Your dialogue was uninspired and extremely lame. I can tell you were trying really hard to be funny. Too bad this flash only featured two types of jokes: stolen ones and incredibly dumb ones. This flash movie is essentially five different sprites - all of which are almost completely stationary - that spew forth monumentally stupid jokes. "Witty" my ass. This is as witty as "Clear Man Episode 4", which has a 3, mind you. It's so sad that most people have the sense of humor of an eight-year-old, or maybe it's just that most people on newgrounds ARE eight. Don't worry Cryo, when I heard this got an award I cried too, but for an entirely different reason. I probably wouldn't have given this movie a horrible score had it not already been praised by everyone who reviewed it and had a really high score. That raised my standards. A lot. You let me down, Cryo. Oh, and thanks for bastardizing my favorite game. Almost forgot to mention that. Peace.

Cryokenetic responds:

And yet, there isn't a single thing in this review that could help me improve. If your critisism ins't constructive, then it's just a waste of space.

For instance, Creative critisism would be: "Daemonex, I think therapy could really help your anger issues".