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Reviews for "XIN Session 14"

very good...

and dont listen to that guy who gave u a 2, he probably didnt even watch the other ones. id say thats great, but it needs more action. but i think this is another "build-up" sequel to bring out the awesome, shit-out-ur-pants, ass-kickery action of session 15. i already watched it on ur webstie w/out sound, and it is killer meit, KILLER. i dont want to give away much but its about that oton dude w/ the tangled hair. bring it to ng w/ sound!!! plz! nearly all of mankind begs of u!!!

very good.

your series is still very good, but this episode has to be my least favorate. in this episode u just get us ready for the next episode. i hope that the next episode will be good and this episode didnt waste our time for nothing. i cant wait to see it! good luck.


I friggin need more!!!!


as i sat thru all xin eps with my sword in hand. i gotta say gr8 job keep the eps comin.

Simply amazing, the best yet.

That was just mind-blowing, by far the best in the series so far and one of the greatest submissions of all time, this goes straight into 3rd spot in my top 10. I thought that my top 6 was unbreakable but then I saw this and it went straight in and it definitely earnt it, you guys seriously do make amazing movies, this is the 3rd movie of yours that's managed to get into my top 10 now, congrats on that. Once again this was just like watching a professional T.V. programme as opposed to a flash movie due to the brilliant, interesting storyline.

I loved this, right from the very start it was just amazing, instantly you had two major twists and it had only just begun, it was great to get that insight on Dimir and the 4 students who ran the school and it was also great to see Dom back. Another great thing about this episode was the fact that the main location wasn't at the school, it just gave it a slightly different feel to it which just made it even more enjoyable. It was also great that you brought in some background story to Xin and it was nice to see the relationship between him and Zumi explained, the same goes for Ghai and Mina. It was also great to finally see what happened between Ghai and Andre at the school at the end of the first season as that was left unexplained until now. I did just really love how you revealed background story to so many different characters, I'm just hoping that the rest in this series are as good as this one, they wouldn't even have to anywhere near as close to this and they'd still be amazing, this episode was just that damn good. it was definitely excellent to see that there were no sound problems or poor voice acting in it whatsoever, it managed to make the movie seem even better than it already was. Anyway, well done, brilliant job, keep up the birlliant work.

Peace Out, Afro Stud
