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Reviews for "XIN Session 14"

W00t! Another 5!

Another 5, guys! Keep up the good work! If you want, I'll even pitch in on voices, if you'd like. By the way, E-mail's Maniacmarine006 at Yahoo dot com. I LOVE XIN! GREAT ANIMATION! XD
AND BY THE WAY: This is NOT a "Fighting anime," Xin is an otherworldly look into what could become the future of Adolescent behaviors. Please, before calling Xin "Cliche," or "Badly Animated," Why don't YOU try coming up with something like this and drawing it out as well as the makers of this series? I'm sure you'll have a really fun time failing. =)

Soooo whens Xin 16 coming out?

a2j88 understand this, WATCH THE OTHER MOVIES GO TO lifepoint1.com to watch them with sounds or whatever. True that this flash might be unoriginal but neverless most flash arent original, max/steven atleast have the guts to make this series go on. If you actually play any games you would find ALL THE GAMES ARE STEROTYPES, Xenogears, Fei ends up defeating Deus, Onimusha, the hero kills Nobunaga Oda, heck probably half the movies on Newgrounds are not original, Minushi, the kids would probably end up having that generals ass in the can near the end, Pico Unloaded, Pico fights the uber kids and wins and has another challenge, they all have the hero winning in the end.

Do not tell other people to brush up on thier animation if you cant do any, neither should you try to say "oh this movie is like all those other fighting anime/flash shows" because even if Xin is like them, Xin has its own plot line dealing with abuse of power, not super natural power, not power gained through reputation but governmental power, the power to haul your ass around and tell you what to do and by using any means nessisary.

hmmm a2j88...

yeah sure a "sterotype". this type of thing might be seen often, but have you even stoped to think how much effort somthing like this would take. better then the shit uve made.. o wait, you havent even made anything. alas my stuff is to crappy to submit, but atleast i dont go around, trying to make myself feel better by atempting to make peoples hard work seem bad. have you even seen the series?? you obviously havent. cause if you had you would have seen legend kick the shit out of about 20 guys, and he was beating hanto till they ran away. xin has a reputation of bringing schools down to their knees. so how bout you take the time to KNOW what your fucking talking about, before you waste mine and everyone elses time.

P.S nice movie and i wana c more

very good...

and dont listen to that guy who gave u a 2, he probably didnt even watch the other ones. id say thats great, but it needs more action. but i think this is another "build-up" sequel to bring out the awesome, shit-out-ur-pants, ass-kickery action of session 15. i already watched it on ur webstie w/out sound, and it is killer meit, KILLER. i dont want to give away much but its about that oton dude w/ the tangled hair. bring it to ng w/ sound!!! plz! nearly all of mankind begs of u!!!


I hope for your sake that Funimation doesn't see this or else you might be in danger of a lawsuit. I find this Flash completely unoriginal and it doesn't make much sense. The voice acting is uninspired and for some reason one or two people have a british accent... when everyone else has a deep Snake like voice (take a note too, make sure Konami doesn't see this.)

The begining is one I have seen in many an anime, introduce some bad guy that will probably get beat up anyway or get turned on. I also have the prediction that those three dudes who fight for the principal will in all likelyness turn on him. Why do I think that? Stereotypes! Not only that they are the only credibly built up fighters in the entire series. Xin has only won once, I can't think of a time Legend (some guy from Britain apparently) has ever won, yet manages to put fear into other people's eyes.

And I do think that you should brush up a bit on your animation, it is getting better but it seems as if you haven't really gotten the hang of it yet. I'm not that much of a drawer myself but I can say that there seems to be something wrong.

In short I see this flash as nothing more than Dragonball Z, in a school for no reason... with (I don't know how this could have happened on God's green earth) worse voice actors and worse animation.... and a generally worse script. What drives these characters? I can't say I know. I can't seem to connect to them.

a2j88 Out.