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Reviews for "BR III: Andromeda"


Pretty easy to pick up and play, with a good learning curve. Very fun.

A little off but great

Great game, fun and chalenging. The level balance is a bit off, in my case I played the sand/fan levels very early and I found them to be the hardest, whereas I played the water levels last and found them to be among the easiest. Maybe it's jsut how I progressed through the game. Also the sound of the lasers made my speakers cry. But really a fun interesting game.

Triangle man, Triangle man, Triangle man hates person man, they have a fight, triangle wins

Level 48...

....kicked the crap outta me.

Good stuff here.

Final Score: 149300

Well yeahh!!
I bet the damn game.
VERY entertaining, original and fun!
The graphics were great for a type of game like this, and lovely programing!
by the way, what do I do with the 'code to prevent cheating'?


Best yet.

Starting this review before finishing, so I don't forget what to say.

1st world - fun to play. Maybe a touch too hard too early imo?

2nd world - nice level design. low quality .jpg (?) is horrible. Maybe you should have made the picture smaller in size and repeated it somehow. Starting to notice how disorientating the sorta reverse parallax is (bg scrolls faster than foreground - opposite to irl.

3rd world - I like the fans. Familiar with a lot of these elements, but you have played about a fair bit. Like level 27 (fan/switch on right, need to head back left). I do think though it would have been nice if we'd have had particles showing which way the wind is blowing. Maybe an option to turn them off, with them being generating by AS if you're worried about lag.

4th - I'm loving the way you have the 1st level of each world be an easy introduction into the 'theme' of that world. Starting to really dislike the fake exits. I just think there's no point in necessiating trial and error.

5th - really love the gravity here. Not so keen on the squids, which can sometimes require a long wait before a level is completable.

Boss - good fun to begin with, but too much repetition imo. Not much fun doing exactly the same thing 10x. Not unless there's some ability to try different tactics for a score or whatever. Having the one 'attack' last for 10 rounds (it seems) is a mistake, I feel.

I've concentrated on the negative aspects as it's them that allow you to improve.

Overall though it was great fun. Maybe have more feedback regarding the score throughout - maybe have a 'par' and a 'personal best' and those would be displayed as you progress so you see just how well (or badly!) you're doing.

Think I've covered all the negatives. I enjoyed it all throughout and though it could have mebbe moved on a bit more from v2, it's definitely the best yet, even disregarding the 2nd half. Presentation is better as are the levels, generally speaking. I love the way the ball returns when you die.

Maybe have it rest on the death point a tiny bit longer though. Like maybe 0.2s longer, just so we're in no doubt as to what killed us.

Awesome work.