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Reviews for "Snapdragon"

love it

you start with a very emotional beginning to set the mood. This almost sounds like a romantic trance piece. So far im halfway through the song... loving the progression you're adding so far (4:16). Overall a very soft trance track with great use of ..guitar? I'm very bad with instruments.

for a rose remix this was very different. The rose melody seemed to barely have a part in the entire song. Im not complaining though, i really liked what you did here.

For a trance song this really threw me off because im so used to hearing blaring bass and some overpowered synthline that gets repetitive after the 4minute mark. This is an exception to that stereotype. Excellent work!

As always, im a big fan of yours. keep it up!

NemesisTheory responds:

romantic trance, huh? :D I never looked at it like that yet, I actually think that might work too XD. And yep, you heard a guitar ;o, an acoustic one!

And really? I put that melody everywhere in the song, albeit with very subtle change every time, but it's there a lot. :) Just not the full melody every time, otherwise it might have gotten boring ;o

Anyway thanks a lot for the kind words and review <3

Great work!

It's been a while since I've had a listen to your music and boy was that a mistake! The piece is really well mixed. Everything has it's own space and is very audible. Awesome work!

When the melody comes in at 1:21 I think it'd make sense to pull the arps in the same register as the melody back slightly- they don't clash to my ears, but it is hard to hear the melody. Great break at 2:42! The guitar riff could stand to have a more gradual fade out- it sounded pretty abrupt and caught me off guard.

That's all I can think of for suggetions. Keep up the Awesome work NT!


NemesisTheory responds:

Thanks for those kind words, David! :)

When I listen to it now I actually agree, it's something I'll take note of in the future-- and for the guitar, you're right. I suppose I could've done that a lot better XD. I threw that in there as sort of an homage to the original :) I guess I was too fast when I did that!

Thanks for the suggestions- I'll definitely keep them in mind for whatever I do next :)
<3 for the score, too! :D

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus)

Im recently not so fond of Trance tracks, but this one got me out of my anti-mood <3

Really makes me dream, very beautifull and would perfectly fit in any nostalgic sunset scene at the beach or something like that. ;D
(Somehow also fitting to the typical colors of a Snapdragon-Flower)

No suggestions from me this time, very well executed, and spans over a long time without getting boring =D

so, 8/10 from me (wow, one of the highest scores from me i guess? o.o' or do you remember any higehr one? xD)
and 5/5 in the small one ;D

"me love you long time" AHAHAHAHAHAAAA cant stop lawling xD
just wondeirng how many people know/get that one xD

NemesisTheory responds:

I'm glad to hear that, worry!

Thank you for the scores, but yes you have given higher scores in the past I think <3 (shades of green!!), thanks for the 5 too! :D

and lol, a lot of people know where that's from right? :D
at least i think so XD

A Rose with a new color?

gosh, this one'll stay in my head for a while

I really love trance songs, and Rose at Midnight was a particularly good track for me, so the idea of putting them together really got me there
you know, I never thought of the idea, didin't think it'd fit right, but it works great! you really got the tune right for this one

the guitar-ish foreground is where it's best at, but the 3:20 bridge with the guitar and piano bit was pure charmer

now it's probably not the most "epic" or dynamic song but in its own right, it deserves a solid 10 for innovation, after all, you judge a remix by how well it works right?

by the way, aside from your trademark Rose series, you should consider giving yourself a theme song, with your traditional style and all

do keep up the great tracks NT
-Sinister Aura-

NemesisTheory responds:

It's because of the melody right? XD I had some trouble getting rid of the melody in my head too T_T I dunno what the thing about it is lol XD

Thanks! I wasn't sure if it would fit either, but it's pretty funny. XD I was thinking about trying it for Rose at Twilight too, but I'm not too convinced if I can make a 3-4 minute song out of it, let alone 6... XD

i think you judge music overall by how much you like it, not so much with the technical aspect... but that's what I think anyway!

a theme song? I dunno, that sounds kind of weird lol XD.

I'll do my best, and thanks for the review. :)

Hey its a trance song!?

From dnb to trance you seem to have the rule book on all the genres these days. i think i like this more than you rose songs too. The gated synths really threw this song over the top for me, they just felt amazing. not much to say about the drums but it trance drums so yea...they sounded good though. That acoustic guitar sounded amazing too [how'd you get that sound?] Another great song, dl'd, 5'd, you know the routine.


NemesisTheory responds:

it's because I have a love for music in general XD i think the only things i cant (wont?) do are stuff like death metal or something... i would probably go crazy trying to do something like that XD

and yep.. the drums are just simple and clean really, and that guitar is from a really cool plugin I fond... add some cool filters and it sound so good XD

thanks for the review, mark(s)! :)