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Reviews for "Nazism"


That was definately the best historical peice on the Holocaust here. That was absolutely beautiful. I myself am of German background, and I am ashamed of it's past. At school we've been studying the Holocaust and WWII, and noone takes it seriously, they all think it's one big joke. I am glad to see that someone besides me takes it seriously. I thank you for making this animation, deeply thank you, and I'd like to see many more like it. Keep up the great work, dude.

NathanButchart responds:

Thanks a lot, man. 'Preciate it.


i think that was neat but the problem is that people are de-sencitized and live moment to moment...i see you feel strongly about this and it's nice to see that but people in general don't really care (Not that i don't)...good work

NathanButchart responds:

True dat. Thanks a lot for the review.

should be put under "Suitable for all" section

this shouldn't be rated Mature. People need to see stuff like this. Our kids need to see stuff like this. If they don't see the real pictures then they will believe things that they see in Hollywood and in censored hyped up news casts. If we hide the truth from the young, they will never know what happened.
The kids in my US History class are prime examples. We watched a video on the Holocaust and one of the ditzy girls said "Oh, I've seen this before, this is boring its a bunch of old people talking and crying." I wanted to punch her in the face.

Great job

NathanButchart responds:

I rated it like that because of the pictures of bodies. But I do see your point, and I'll be damned if I know anyone that pays attention to the ratings system here, anyway. And rock the fuck on about the ditzy girls. I know one or two that need to be hit in the face, too.


I liked that flash a lot. I was expecting some stupid Hitler jokes or something, but I'm glad it wasn't. It makes you think a lot about everything, and it's sad. Good job.

NathanButchart responds:

I set out to make people think, thanks for doing it.


I must congratulate you on a job well done. This project (and paper) you completed got an "A" and many positive reviews, and I think you are one example of the multitude of stable, smart young men who grow intellectually and ethically in our society. On a day like today especially, when the news is rife with another mass shooting in a high school, I thank you and encourage other Newgrounders to watch this. Would that those who, in their little worlds of disorder, understand that this site can be used for the greater good rather than endless and immature depictions of gratuitous cartoon violence.

Sure, there are suggestions to make to improve your submission and technique, but much has been offered in the way of positive criticism already, as I have read all other reviews. I wish you well.

NathanButchart responds:

Positive criticism is always accepted with open arms. Thanks for the review.