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Reviews for "Metal Gear Crisis 1.1"


k this has all the necessary to get a good score from the newgrounds community (which is mostly composed by morons):

1- video game references
2- an overrated author in the coauthor list (in this case the most overrated of them all)

seriously,why is LF in the coauthor list? as i understand all he did was writing some lame jokes, his contribution to this movie was practically non existant. is he now so lazy that he doesnt even draw a thing for his movies but still accepts credit for them? woah

the graphics are ok, the sound is ok too but the story kills the whole thing, i find it really lame. also im not really into videogame humor, people should actually work on original ideas.

Terrible jokes

Bad jokes, Bad animation (tweening just isnt good nowadays, its all about the fbf) But even still, those jokes were terribly week. I mean, Metal Gear Gear? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Its funny cos theres 2 gears. Its just all too slapstick for me, sorry.


Well, here we go again..
I remember it like it was yesterday...but it was really months ago, when "One Ring To Rule Them All3" came out. I just absolutely HAD to write a review about it, as I felt somebody should have...it's not an easy job but somebody's got to do it. And I don't mean a nice review, with ribbons and bows attatched to it, and a little pretty pink flower to show how much his work means to me, I mean an honest review. Nobody else really thought to do it, I mean, why take a stab at someone who thinks he's so high-and-mighty as the Great and Powerful Legendary Frog, right? But I did it anyway, not really to get under his skin, I really didn't even expect him to read it, it was just a simple message to the viewers at NewGrounds to help them better understand the man behind the tweens.
The funny thing is, he read it.
Not only did he read it, but he also took it upon himself to RESPOND to it, something he hasn't done for...well...I don't even know, probably never. And I was amazed. I mean honestly, who would've thought, hey? He's obviously waaay too busy "MAKING" his own animations, but God bless him he still has time to sift through the reviews and respond to the ones that really get to him. And then he wrote, "this review isn't going to change the way I do things at all."
Now I'm no rocket scienteer, but I think that by RESPONDING to my review, you just DID change the way you do things. It bothered you and you know it, and you couldn't handle it. You're just a kid who wants to be loved by everybody without having to do any real work to earn it. You want to be respected without having any respect. You saw my review and thought to yourself "Shit, he's right. I am a total hack, and seeing as I don't have any self confidence I guess my only option is to defend myself against what he's saying about me."
A real man would just shrug it off his shoulder and move on without thinking about it, but you choked man. Good job.
Now on to the movie itself.
I have to say, with all honesty, I didn't laugh once. I didn't even crack a smile. For God's sakes, I didn't even think about smiling, not even out of pity for your poor, poor writing skills. This was beyond unfunny, I was actually in a worse mood after watching it then I was to begin with. Aren't comedies typically funny? And Metal Gear? What's your motivation there? It's been done, it's been done often, and often it's done better. Don't believe me? Watch "Metal Gear Fiesta", it's actual entertainment. It's less coherent, yet somehow at the same time, it's actually more coherent due to the fact that it gets the job done. It sets out to be a comedy and it accomplishes that feat. Meanwhile, yours sets out to be a comedy and turns out to be...well, just sad.
Here's a noodle scratcher; does anybody remember why LF got all his NewGrounds fame to begin with? Was it his writing? I don't remember people talking about that part. It was his ANIMATION, right? ...but now he doesn't even do that anymore...all he does is "write" the script...if you wanna call it "writing"...I would prefer to call it "stealing," but that's only if you look at it from the point of view of the people who have done these jokes before him...but I guess that's a matter of opinion.
It's a shallow world out there, even for underground entertainment that tries to keep to it's roots. It's even in the name; NEW Grounds. It's for new artists to showcase their talent, but now we've got egotistical asswipes like LF ruining it for everyone.
Here's exactly how NALO saw it, "Slap the "Legendary Frog" name on my work and I'm set for life. All I have to do is degrade myself to the level of commercialized Hollywood and I'm in, and people will remember me forever."
Here's the thing dude, nobody thinks about you when they click on this movie. They see "Legendary Frog" and that's all they care about.
Long story short, it's just a matter of time before people realise what the fuck's up.
Try to bring it LF, just try to step to this review.

Gee! That sure was a great flash movie!

No, I kidd. This movie sucked. Like, this has to be on the top 5 least-funny flash movies I've seen. Do I smell a Legendary Frog joke script? I think so. Hey LF, have you realized that your audience is composed entirely of tastless, humor-incomprehensible people like yourself? Probably not, and even if you did I doubt you would care. Just give up man. Your not funny anymore, and you never will be again.


I can't believe how overrated this is. I got super bored halfway through and it was just a lame experience overall. I am a huge fan Mr. Blanchette and I thought you could do better than this.

It looked terrible too. All the characters looked like coke addicts who hadnt eaten it days and Otacons face looks deformed.