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Reviews for "Broken Saints FINALE"

...I'm speechless.

Thank you. Thank you for giving me this series. You've taken away five days and twelve hours of my time, made me laugh, made me cry and made me tingle with sympathy, rage and anticipation. In return, you have left me with this beautifully-crafted story... the only thing of its kind and the first story to touch me in this way since I was young.

Each character was so well explored, so well articluated, that I felt drawn to them. Each and every one of us can see something of themselves in one of the saints, and in this way we are connected to them as the story progresses.

Thank you again for showing me I can feel(!) and for leaving me feeling drained, elated and utterly speechless for hours.

If you don't produce another series, there is no justice!

Awsome....just awsome!!

I just finished watching this series. It was the best thing I ever saw. It was a mix of everything- humor, violance, spirituality, in one amazing flash series. I laughed, I cried, and I bet other people did too. I'm sad that Kami, Bula, and Shandala died. Wait a second....DID Kami die? That part was sort of unclear...

good stuff

This is an absolute masterpiece. Hats off and congadulations.

The main thing about BS is how well it is written. Yeah, there's the music and the art and the spirituality, yadda yadda, et cetera et cetera, but it is mainly just a well told story. The idea for the story alone is gold, and you presented it masterfully. The language of BS is what makes it a unique and downright good work.

This is why so many found it boring, I think. Not because they are dumb, or unwilling to see the artistic viewpoint, but because it feels, to me at least, more like a novel than an animation. Of course, it might just be me, so I guess this paragraph is somewhat pointless.

Now, I'm not trying to put all the other elements- the art, music and themes- down. Quite the contrary, they were all excellent. But to me they seemed to be more supportive of the writing, adding to and accentuating what is already a masterful command of the english language. Bravo.

Our world of men should be so lucky.

Many will mock the scale, the length of this movie, but without the drawnout internal thought sequences and the preparations, the creation of the setting, this would not be the attainment of analytical perfection that it is. Covering the scope of Religion, Politics, Spirituality, and the evil of Human Nature, this submittal of literary genious should be broadcast to the world in Lear Dunham fashion. There are not enough words to convey the reverence that I feel for this animation, but humor me for a few more moments of your time as I try. The only other form In which I have seen this ability for religious and political analysis is in the writings of Dante and the like, for this flash shows us the true nature of ourselves and presents to us the extremes we will need to go to to change the world in the ways of balance and peace. It shows us that belief is contained within our selves and that no one man has the same god, dividing us all at once into separate religions and uniting us in equality at the same moment. There is no way for me to present these consepts to you by my self, just watch it over and over an understand the root meanings. They will make you a better person.


I'm really pissed off at u. I had my review all planned out to look all nice and stuff but u had to go and screw it up with the last 2 chapters or so. Seriously though great job. U got me bawling at the end. Please tell me ur making another series, I don't know what I'll do to keep myself from getting bored. When I get some money I'll be buying the DVD. I can't wait until then. btw this was for the whole series in case u couldn't tell.
