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Reviews for "IM ATTACK!!"


You know, you can always just -close- AIM... you don't have to torment yourself by keeping it open. Except in this game. Which is evil.

Wack As Hell

WTf thats all i gotta say

Why just 3?

This game is truly advertisement disguised as a game, really... but how? Why? Find out... right now!

The GFX and style is very good. It really looks like the real Windows XP with the interface and sounds. What else can be said?... hmmm, nothing, sadly.

There is no background music... but the main character constantly says short sentances. They're funny the first time but get annoying quickly... and believe me, you'll hear them a lot! As such, you get 6 (not enough variety in the character's sentances and the output is too fast).

Now up to the main part: gameplay.

How does it play? Great, thank you. You gotta close those windows before your system is completely flooded! As an extra difficulty, the IM status bar act as an obstacle which force you to move the windows to the center. The game continue on until you're exhausted so, not surprisingly, it starts out slow and the longer you last, the more windows appear.

Now off to the less pleasant part of the game... disguised links.

Disguised links = abusive... you knew that? If you want to put your link somewhere, put it in the credits or somewhere else but not hidden within the main game! EACH time you get far and start making mistakes, you WILL click on the F*****G links thus erasing your whole game.

As such... my final ratings are:
Without links: 7 (good... but I've seen better)
With links: 3 + abusive (AAAARG! LINKS!)

NOTE: Next time, do NOT put your links in the main game!


THATS WUT YOU GET FOR USING AOL... lol no seriously...thats wut happens when you let people who arent your friends IM you.. i hate IM its stupid..its ruining my friends life he sits there on his cpu which has been hacked a good 18 times and filled with atleast 3 viruses 23 times... he sits there for a longer time than i do (20-35 hours a week.. thats me) on AOL IM and talks to random people. i dont know how he does he has so much spyware malware and other stuff that 30 seconds after it starts up 87 poups come up from internet explorer..ya know first i thought he was exaggerating or joking... but one day when i was over i asked if i could play some dod on his machine, he said sure, i boot it up, wait 5 seconds for it to stop loading.... kept loadin.... loadin.... loadin.... 15 seconds.... stops loadin at 24 seconds or so....i klik on the DOD icon and what happens nuthin... its a good 45 seconds after it stopped loadin... no dod.. so i play solitare instead... 2 seconds after i start playn the pop ups.... an endless stream... after 15 minutes theres 238 pop ups... it hits 255 and crashes.... i try to help him with his cpu security does it work???? NO cuz he is an idiot ding shit and sittn there IMing people

Something you may want to look into

ok I had to clikc the xs any where from 1 to 40 times to get them to close..am I just lagging or is there a system error?

Not too bad over all though