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Reviews for "For those who hate chavs"


I once got attacked by about 40 chavs just for tellin em to fuck off coz i had no stella on me. Fucking wankers! Good job on this!

haha i agree with the last guy

the same with me people allways ask me that

that animation had good reasons

Agreement is total

Like the title said, I totally agree with this flash. Chavs are evil. A bit of work could be done on the sound, other than that it's effectively flawless. Nice job!

i hate chavs...

Chavs suck and what was that last review about?? it is true they do call us grebs tramps and ask us for money and spare fags and i hate it it's pathetic and what they say they are black niggas i hate them they are racist... black chavs: they steal your girlfriends, break into your cars, talk to themselves, rob your money phones etc., gang up on you and call you racist and they never gang up on me unless their in like a 10 or 12 of them because they are pussys who carry knives guns weapons because their too scared that we will kick their arses so they need protection. oh and they don't have diks.... the bigger the weapon they have, the small their dik is.

hehe XD

Kill all chav scum :)

Anyone fron the UK will realise how much they suck eachother off. Unless of course your in the 90% of the population which are actually chavs/townies/whatever.

preloader would have been nice, 1mb on 56k aint very nice :(

Also a longer animation would be awsome. personally i would have made a group of the fuckers and had the gothic looking guy with a minigun :)