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Reviews for "Red Speech"

This is why Conservatives are IDIOTS

These just made my day and reinforced my belief that conservatives are ignorant, arrogant, stupid and uneducated and liberals are the higher tier of society. All of those had mistakes, and were calling you nazi (dunno how you're nazi). Those were the stupidest letters I've ever seen, they we're poorly written and most made no sense. My favorite was "Your site is so biased that u can fry an egg on it" only with a typo in every word. It just proves how dumb people can be. I would go on all night expressing the humor in this, but I think everyone gets it, so I'll stop. Great Job! I think this proves your point more than any other of your movies.


good one.

I only hope your dreams come true...

I hope you'll live to see the day the U.S become red, just to realise how wrong you were.In case you haven't heard, there were many trials to make socialist state, like the U.S.S.R, China, N.Korea, Cuba and many more.All of those trials have proved one thing-that socialism and communism are bad for people.In all of those cases, the country became a dictatorship which was the same(and sometimes worse) as the old regime.
I wonder if you've read George Orwell's book-"1984".This is the best example I could ever give you.
As you may have already guessed, I consider myself a right-winged man, though I'm not a republican, I'm not even american, thank god(and I'm an ethaist).
I really hope you end up like Trotzki, Lenin's favorite, who was kicked out by Stalin, fled to exile and finally assassinated.That's what happens to educated people who can't see byond their self-importence(and Trotzki wasn't so rightous too).

Oh, and see? Not all right-wingers are red-necks(while not all left-wingers are intellectually superior).

Good day, and may America turn red so you see the results yourself(and weap)!

Arg not again!

Sigh this is sad when I see such things! Why does America hate the idea of a Dictatorship of the Proletariat? Would it not be wonderful to be equal to the very head of state! Well I will not embarass myself with accusations of capitali$m and the United States. I hope you all would just stop hating what you do not understand!

hasta la victoria siempre!

first off, i think it needs to be said that this flash is not saying that bush's followers are kommunists. this flash is about ignorant capatalist pigs insulting and attacking something they know nothing about.

speaking as a kommunist i can say that this flash shows the true glory of the united $tate$.

and as for you redneck idiots calling us kommies "liberals"...
please stop trying to throw us in the same boat as you borgious pigs.

we are seperate from that reactionary scum.

and finally i must ask that before any of you insult kommunism and hide like children under the covers of your ignorance from the light of truth.....

READ TEH FUKCIN KOMMUNIST MANIFESTO!!!(or are you afraid it will make sense?)