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Reviews for "Preloaders Ahoy"

Worste Tutorial I have ever seen.

I won't be as harsh as the previous critic, but this tutorial teaches nothing, it says what do, but not HOW to. This simply tells people who already know how to do it all .. how to.. pointless, explain it better and put more effort into it.

False hopes.

This has got to be one of the most unpractical piece of shit of a tutorial I've seen in my entire life. This doesn't explain IN THE LEAST how to make a loading % preloader. What were you thinking, you noob? Damnit, I can't begin to explain how much I'm angry at you for giving me false hopes.

good but...

this was good but on the movieclip one where do you put the actionscript and the movieclip?

Helpful but not for me

This would be helpful if I knew what you're talking about. I'm still a n00b at flash. It was good though, for someone who is a beginner at actionscript but knows the basics. Good work,

Okay, I'm giving you a 5!!!

...In the hopes that you'll enlighten me.
Gr8 Idea by the way, I'll soak up whatever flash knowledge I can, but you've lost me here...
When creating a movie that progressively plays more of its self the more the movie is loaded,
you say I have to create a movie clip symbol that lasts for exactly 100 frames... Right... can do.
Next you say, on the 'action' frame (which you've outlined as the second frame in the timeline that ..uh.. has actions on it) I have to Type 'loaderclip.gotoAndStop(percent);' in the action panel -?


Tell me, is 'loaderclip' the NAME of the 100 frames movie clip symbol?
And won't doing this simply drag my movie through each of the 100 frames as the movie loads? -very slow on dial up.
Where do I put this movieclip on the timeline?
In the 'display' layer (as you've got it there)?
If I want an animation to run continuously while loading, yet only change at certain points through the loading process, do I create seperate movie clips to put into the 100 frames movieclip?
Anyhoo, thanxamillion and keep tryin' to teach us!

Sabu responds:

The 'loader' movie you make has to be small, so it can load faster than everything else. Otherwise there's really no point. It doesn't have to be 100 frames, but for the purpose of simplicity it's just easier that way. You could make 50 frames and stop it as percent/2.

You can assume loaderclip to be the loader movie, which you place in the 'display' layer (where the percDisplay box is in the first tutorial)

You could probably make yourself an actionscripted movieclip to run only part of itself in a loop, then set the 'action' frame to move it into the next part of the animation once a set percentage is loaded, but that's beyond the scope of this tutorial.