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Reviews for "Window Licker 04"

I liked it

I gota agree with most of the others, this was a good movie. Random movies are the best movies in my book... Anyway, good job and do some more.

lol, Penis

Coffee-lock responds:

I'm glad you liked it, and random movies in general :D
YOu should watch my other movies; most of them are random too.

First random movie, that was actually random!

Normally I'm not one for avante garde, but this one was cool. The graphics, for the most part, were not only good but consistant. The sound was just the song, but it was clear, and the volume was good. I give you big points for style for doing a randomness movie, and fully animating every clip! No defaced pictures of celebrities! No stick figures exploding in red mist on a white background! Good job Locks.

Coffee-lock responds:

Hah, "No stick figures exploding in red mist on a white background!".
You're referring to that Random theory movie? :D
Thanks for the sexy feedback.

my god that was hot...

some of the best random shit evar!! lol, way to upstage the random theory XD hahahah!
great graphics, with awesomely trippy animation aswell. i really loved the start when bomblock was bouncing along the street 'n' all, that was great.
well done man, this was awesome!

Coffee-lock responds:

Thank you. :D

Another great installment to window's licker


Coffee-lock responds:



I dont Know what drugs your on but whatever they are save us some

Coffee-lock responds:

Hah, I was kind of drunk when I animated some of it.
So, I guess alcohol is what you're looking for then? :D