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Reviews for "Sky Boarder III"

that was great

it was a fun and interesting game. im not too good at it though. but it has alot of replay value and doesnt get boring or at least didnt while i was playing. you did a great job.4/5


this is the first of the sky boarder series i played and it is good. Sometimes the controls you cursed at because you sware you killed the enemy before he hit you but that is just a small thing i noticed once in a while with the axe. if you could maybe just clean that up a bit by changing the size of the swing or the graphic of the swing. Other than that awsome game and there is no room for creticing because it is so well done. Good job!

Very involving!

This game is very well made, and must have taken FOREVER to make, not to mention bugz... My 1337 sk33lz d33m 1t w0rt1-1y!

excellent game here

the only reason a person wouldnt want to play this, is if they were too impatient to learn it well... i did what ya said about the saving (save in all 3 slots) and it works to load, so yeah... but for the love of God, how do ya complete Help Thy Neighbor?? i can't figure it out people... help me out!! and i also had the problem with Avoid for 60 Seconds and Scorpion King... and the problem on the Sand 1 level, where it doesnt show what you've completed... cant wait for v2... it's gonna rule all

Micol-Rankin-Games responds:

SKY BOARDER III v2 .......feb 25th.........NEWGROUNDS.........are u game?

wow... that was sweet

I am very impressed with your game, i think u really could base a console game on it, maybe if you make another one of these you could make it so you can choose if you want sfx or not too. I haven't beatin the game yet but i'll try, PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER!